Can WE Achieve What No Other Nation Has Been Able To Achieve?

in #crypto7 years ago

Democracy = rule of the people.

However we have all seen that this just isn't happening in all the variations of partial democracy in various nations.

So, this post here is not going to be about what democracy is or should be, for that I'll provide a link:

What I wish to contemplate and hear what others think is the idea of a real democracy, in which the people rule.

Where the "government" is set up in a way so that the common wealth of the nation is utilized in manners that create secure futures for the people and not all the things that we have become accustomed to in the world so far.

Can this be achieved?

That is my question.

I think it can.

Based on what I have seen to date and what I have learned in the last few months of studying the Crypto scene.

Daily reading up on this, and learning an entire new language and way of seeing things has brought about a sense of hope in me, as to the topic of democracy = rule of the people.

So rather than me go on about it, I have summarized it all in these few sentences and would love to hear (read) what others have to say about this.

I am inviting you to "enlighten me" and others as to why and how, the Crypto scene can lead to a true democracy.

Look forwards to reading your responses.


These are the borders and realities (somewhat) of what we see every day:

How about we get out of this and think CRYPTO.....


Lets go one step further, out of the limitations and borders that we see on maps.

Democracies always fail. It is why the forefathers of the United States set up a Consitutional Republic. Though similar in how they vote for representation. The biggest difference is the protection of the minority that a Conitutional Republic provided. Democracy is mob rule mentality and always fails. Crypto will fail if that type of thinking takes hold IMO

That is what we have seen in the "nations" as we know them.

Crypto has opened up an entire new light upon this topic!

Today thanks to technology we can be near to a healty direct democracy without politician/elections. more like an electronic version of ancient Greece.

Some people is working in this concept, like this example:

I believe we are seeing the dying stages of democracy. In the United States, for example, supposedly the "world's greatest democarcy" real power is not in the hands of the people at all, but rather in the hands of the corprotocracy, Wall Street, the millitary industrial complex and the deep state (which is a combination of the first three plus the intelligence agencies). To demonstrate this, one only has to look at the continuation of US foreign policy from one president to the next going at least as far back as JFK. Despite each of the last three presidents campaigning on a "No War" platform, the US has become involved in more and more millitary conflicts.

The tech industry also, has close ties to the federal government, and those ties are becoming closer and closer. A recent report reveals that federal employees will work closely with Facebook in order to monitor posts. Twitter also has close ties to the US government.

So, what will replace democracy? The technocracy. The technocracy has been advocated since the days of HG Wells and rose to prominence during the 1930s. With the growing intergration of the tech companies, big agra (GMOs) and big pharma into the US federal apparatus, we are starting to see the plans of the coming technocracy coming to fruition.

Once the technocratic takeover of the world's greatest democracy is in full swing, other so-called democracies, including Australia, will soon follow. We will be ruled by the "experts".

We are entering the world of 1984 + Brave New World.

What if we think in terms of Crypto and the world wide web, rather than the land borders and boundaries that we are so familiar with?

Would it be possible?

I'm cautiously optimistic as these are platforms that allow greater decentralisation. It's encouraging to see the growing number of people who are attracted to cryptos because they offer a way to break free of the centralised control of governments and central banks. There are a couple of dangers, however.

Number one is the financial elites of Wall St increasingly taking notice of cryptos as both a threat to their existing business model and as an opportunity to make money and take control. Will they succeed? I don't know, but they will certainly try. It will come down to who is smarter, the developers who hold ideals of greater decentralisation or the best tech minds Wall St money can bribe (I mean buy). I have some optimism that ideals will win out.

Number two threat is central bank control over cryptos. I see this as much less of a threat as government institutions will never outsmart idealistic developers. However, they will try. I do not see them succeeding.

I believe a technocratic global government has been in the plans for a long time with our current democracies as a stepping stone, ready to be taken down when necessary, as we saw with communism in the last century.

Why do I think that? The last US presidential election was a contest between two of the most despicable people the US has to offer. Now, the MSM is non-stop Trump bashing. The message? Democracy has failed us. It didn't work. Brexit, another example. The democratic system is to blame for the mess of Brexit. In Australia, politicians are getting kicked out left, right and centre (perhaps more right and centre) because of where their parents or grandparents were born. Has this previously been an issue? Anyway, I just see the subliminal messaging being pushed at us from the establishment media as "democracy is broken, it's not working". Maybe I'm reading too much into it.

So, will the technocratic global government succeed? I don't know that either. I am becoming more confident, however, that it won't as more and more people wake up.

We will have to wait and see.

Anyway, I'm rambling on, but that's my 0.0000000002 BTC worth.
