Another valuable blog post regarding RIPPLE. I believe on it right from the day one when I joined the crypto world. Actually I had a small amount to invest so before investing I had a detailed research on top 50 coins in early November, 2017. At that time I selected undermentioned coins to invest:
- Ripple
Later, I invested all the coins except IOTA, as I can't invest in bittrex. And I have no other account. So I have to restrict at bittrex.
During my research on coins, I found that most of the people are not in the favor of Ripple to invest. But my 6th Sense gave me direction to invest in this wonderful coin. So I bought a reasonable quantity of ripple.
Your words for this great coins made my day:
XRP replacing ETH as number 2 on in the matter of weeks if not earlier.
I'm glad that you share very nice stuff which is based on reality. Keep it up good work @czechglobalhosts and Stay Blessed dear!