Winning Cardano Funding Proposal Example

in #crypto3 years ago



A Smart DEX for Cardano

Problem Statement

There is currently no liquidity aggregator on Cardano, which puts traders on the blockchain at a severe competitive disadvantage.


Smartdex aggregates liquidity across DEXs to offer users the most comprehensive and efficient transaction experience on Cardano.

Relevant Experience

Special expertise with DEXs, AMMs, and liquidity aggregation dating to 2018. Top 1,300 cryptocurrency market cap.

Website/Github link:

Plan in Detail

If growth in DeFi has so far proved to be the key to success on any blockchain, then DEXs would be the fundamental vehicles, while liquidity would be the fuel, and aggregation the glue tying it all together.

In order to jump start the overall DeFi growth of the entire Cardano ecosystem, it will be crucial to have all these elements present and functioning in a holistic manner.

Otherwise Cardano risks falling further behind despite its large market cap, as other chains become more well-rounded and inter-operable.

Simply put, another Uniswap clone or stand-alone DEX will not be enough to keep Cardano relevant in the DeFi race amid all the daily innovations transpiring across the space.

What Cardano needs is something that will put it on the map and place it head and shoulders above any other previous products in the marketplace.

Smartdex 2.0 is that product.

Its several innovative core functions featuring liquidity aggregation, cross chain bridge aggregation, smartpools, and cross-chain liquidity aggregation provides one of the most comprehensive experiences among DEXs in the DeFi industry.

Our 0x protocol infrastructure will allow us to scale the Cardano ecosystem with an off-chain trading and on-chain settlement system that it desperately needs.

Meanwhile an instant bridge enables seamless asset transfer across multiple blockchains, which Cardano is being integrated into as we speak.
Smartpools on Smartdex 2.0 provide an intelligent risk-adjusted way to invest through AI agents to generate sustainable yields. A staking contract for single-asset Cardano vaults is already in the works and nearly ready to be utilized as a smartpool.

Further down the line, a liquidity super mesh dealing with overall cross-chain liquidity aggregation will let Smartdex 2.0 become the focal point of all assets flowing in and out of the Cardano ecosystem.


A significant portion of the funds will be dedicated entirely towards research and development, which will encompass salaries of four people for roughly six months.


Quarter 1 2022: Testnet

Receive funding in February.

Integration in Smartdex.

Quarter 2 2022: Mainnet

Aggregation and Scaling.

Public launch.

Quarter 3 2022: Mainnnet


As a DeFi protocol, the IP will belong to the developers allowing further development and innovation.

Definition of Successes

Creation of an operational API working with the command line interface, which will bridge assets between Ethereum and Cardano. (Completed)

Staking contract that will enable single-asset Cardano vaults to be utilized on Smartdex 2.0 as a Smartpool (Completed)


Link to quick youtube video