Hello friend, I could tell you that cryptomonedas are called to all virtual currencies, if there is another explanation I hope that @juanmolina will help you with that.
Stop by your blog, and although you have many interesting things, I stopped in the post of your marriage, you have a very beautiful wife, you have all the reason after 40 nerves are taken more maturely, two cultures is a challenge in a Relationship of couple, you love each other and that will not be an obstacle to be happy, I like your pet, what's your name?
I wish you and your family a prosperous new year, I hope for this 2019 to keep in touch with you, the support you give to Venezuelans makes you worthy of my respect.
Hi @jennimorillo, @juanmolina
I just never heard word "cryptomonedas" and Im not sure what does it mean.
Hello friend, I could tell you that cryptomonedas are called to all virtual currencies, if there is another explanation I hope that @juanmolina will help you with that.
Stop by your blog, and although you have many interesting things, I stopped in the post of your marriage, you have a very beautiful wife, you have all the reason after 40 nerves are taken more maturely, two cultures is a challenge in a Relationship of couple, you love each other and that will not be an obstacle to be happy, I like your pet, what's your name?
I wish you and your family a prosperous new year, I hope for this 2019 to keep in touch with you, the support you give to Venezuelans makes you worthy of my respect.
Thank you for being so responsive @jennimorillo
Happy new year