I got into BitCoin after talking with a Co-Worker about Bittrex, Coinbase, and the process for trading in AltCoins. I started to trade for a while and noticed I was watching more market fluctuations, volumes, and spreads like I would with typical stocks or bonds. This was helping to grow the net value of my portfolio, but I knew I didn't know enough about the technology behind each coin I was investing my money in. I started to search around the Bittrex Markets and I came across XDN - DigitalNote.
XDN has some really interesting technology behind what it's trying to do, as well as some unique algorithms and result calculations that make a lot of sense. If you're a numbers person, this is well worth the read and I think at it's current price you would be sure to invest soon.
Not bad for your first post Joshua , you need to do an introduction of yourself next !!!
Thanks sir. I hope to post my intro soon.