Yes, one does become tired of the tyrants, switch from one to the next with blinkers on well that is how I am beginning to feel. Work hard, do what you always felt was the right, then get kicked at the end of the roadshow.... eish!
Mattrass Bank a small portion sounds good, crypto is something to wrap the head around, could be good reason to read and learn. I stick/stay firm in my decision that blockchain technology in some form of crypto will arrive within the next 5/10 years when government and banking fraternity learn how to squeeze what they feel is their portion.
Have a great day @fionasfavourites living where you are now at least found some peace and quiet, one day at a time!
The Mattrass bank is great for the village where most transactions are still cash. I agree with you about crypto and I do need to spend some time reading and learning. In the meantime, I am here for the long haul.
One day at a time, yes! Peace, sometimes and quiet - most definitely not with the cacophony that is the guineafowl, birds and the frogs! LOL