Ripple Price Prediction for January 2018 / Dollar XRP USD

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

Ripple has seen some very impressive gains recently, on 12/14 we saw .83 each.
Screenshot 2017-12-18 13.06.51.JPG

And my guess is that we are not done. Yes it true, since the high on 12/14, the price of XRP has settled back down to about .75 each (up from .20-.25 where if hovered for months) But My guess is that by Jan 15 we not only break the dollar mark, but smash into the 1.25 to 1.50. But before we hit these highs, I also think we could see some low .60's first.

Especially since the rumors of being added to Coinbase's linup should be in full effect by then.

Any for the Crypto purest out there, yes we know Ripple is not a decentralized company, however I beleive this is a strengh for it in the short run. Being a somewhat centralized coin has given ripple the ability to make deals with AMEX among others.

What do you think?


Def could see this!!

Coinbase is happening

Any chance the price of Ripple up at the end of this month?. i buy ripple at the price of 3.4 $. but now a day ripple price is 1.8 $. any chance at the end of this year the ripple price is 5 $?