Blockchain has entered our lives as fast as the internet. It's been almost 20 years since we started actively using the internet. We have started to use the internet actively in almost 90% of the devices we are currently using. The spread of the internet has undoubtedly created a new revolution in our lives. But are not limited to just this. The internet has started to support many sectors. Smartphones, computers, tablets, other devices. They are all part of our lives in simultaneous integration with the internet. One of these integrations was Blockchain technology.
We started to call them "digital money" by transferring our money to digital media. The information on these funds was stored in cloud systems on the internet. Blockchain technology has come together with cryptography science to maximize the security of the wallets we create. What we got wasn't just turning our money into digital money. That way, our money is now in much safer hands. We could now make faster money transfers and get rid of the monopoly of the banks by paying fewer commissions. In addition, we have been monitored by the state much more minimally, as the traceability of our money transfers is reduced. This brought with it the greatest revolution that man has ever made in money: freedom in money transfers. Thanks to the cryptography science, it's much safer, much faster thanks to the cloud system, and with the blockchain, it's almost impossible to trace the money. As a result, we have established a free money transfer mechanism independent of corporations and governments.
It has only been 10 years since Satoshi Nakamoto, the father of this technology, wrote his first article. The blockchain is rising worldwide with incredible acceleration. The market volume has reached a level of hundreds of thousands of billions of dollars and is still evolving. However, we are still not 100% efficient in the possibilities blockchain technology can offer us. Because we have a long way to go. Because although blockchain technology protects our digital money very safely, it is still insufficient to protect our intellectual property. The Brainspace project, which I'm about to talk about, aims to combine this intellectual property protection technique with Blockchain technology to offer us a new opportunity.
What is Brainspace?
The issue of protection of intellectual property has always been a problem for authors and artists. You can have a little fear of being stolen and taken away from you in seconds of working for months or even days. We all remember what happened about electricity. Like Newton stealing Tesla's ideas and making a whole new life of wealth. Or imagine that you are faced with a situation like making a different copy of your idea because the boundaries of the intellectual property are not fully drawn. It is not only that, even if an intellectual property can be protected, it is also a process that can be sold in the market. And again, if the artist does not follow this process closely, he may be in danger of being harmed.
But the task of a real artist should only be to produce. Just like old times. Why can't we see a Dostoevsky, Freddie Mercury, Pink Floyd, Monet anymore? The answer to this is very simple. Art-makers are now trying to make money, not art. Because they have to be a guardian of their intellectual property because they have to sell their intellectual property successfully on the market. But as I just said, the main task of an artist is to discover new things by using his creativity and self and to create new things with aesthetic values. If the artist gets rid of his other concerns, he will be able to adapt himself to this process in a much better way.
This is exactly what the Brainspace project aims to do. The protection of intellectual property is to ensure that it is monetized to find its own buyer in the market. Once an artist has produced his intellectual property, he can register his work to the Brainspace and leave everything else to the Brainspace. Thanks to this agreement written on the smart contracts provided by blockchain technology, the artist can remain only as an artist.
The Philosophy Of Brainspace
Transparency is one of the greatest values that Blockchain technology adds to our lives. We can instantly check the answers to questions such as which account and how much money has been transferred to the account and when. On a platform with transparency, the hoarders of wealth are prevented. Transparency and clarity always produce better results. The Brainspace project uses blockchain technology to make the profits of customers ' intellectual property rights visible to everyone. In this way, artists can produce art freely knowing that they are not being cheated.
IMPERIVM LTD. team was aware of some things when building the Brainspace platform. If you read the project's Whitepaper, you'il understand what I mean. Or you can read this article to the end and get an idea of the system that Brainspace is trying to build. Today, artists really can't get their work back. Intellectual property is in constant danger of being copied. A few days ago, I read that Netflix is losing millions of dollars because of pirated websites. The biggest reason for this is that intellectual property cannot be protected properly. Brainspace aims to provide a much more reliable platform by taking the people involved in its platform into IP protection. Brainspace is aware of the problems of artists, writers, and comes to offer a solution to these problems.
When setting up the Brainspace platform, it has entered into a quest for a common goal. Brainspace wants to see users, artists, employees and anyone who wants to enter the platform. Brainspace respects the work of people and wants them to be protected as a cultural heritage. First of all, the Brainspace platform wants to establish a reliable and fast network that respects human values. In this way, they want to make their own users and other companies happy. Brainspace wants to protect and improve them with respect for all efforts.
Market, Problems & Solutions
Low level of private authorial activity (domination belongs to the business sector)

Low level of interaction between business and entrepreneurs with intellectual property (lack of a quality direct “bridge” between the author and business)

Lack of a high-quality and uninterrupted ecosystem available to authors of the “initial link”, as well as the presence of an authority factor among authors and the possibility of excluding the term “turn”

Constant difficulties with tracing the violation of property rights on the object of the author.

Brainspace Services:
Brain Deposit
, if an artist wants to protect Brainspace's intellectual property, the first thing he will do is register with the system. With this service called brain Deposit, your IP address is protected and the first step is taken to protect and market the content you produce.
Brain Art,
is the second step that the artist will take after the first operation. Because the intellectual property produced by the artist is now protected. There are steps that will allow him to be recognized worldwide. The artist obtains the necessary tools to enable his intellectual property to reach the wider masses. Later, he is known by other people by raising his work quickly.
Brain Market
is the platform in which the artist can rent, sell and transfer his / her right to use his / her works. After the product enters this market, it is possible for the seller to find its buyers on its own without any additional effort. In this way, the artist can profit from time and no longer have any more material concerns. Brainspace provides the monetary benefit of intellectual property through this environment. In this environment, the seller's IP tool "turnkey" can also sell here.
Brain Protect
, with this service, the vendor can receive advice from experts in protecting its IP address. If the artist has any problems with his / her mind, he/she will be able to meet with the necessary experts and learn the necessary explanations for the protection of his / her IP address. And he may also request more information about the use of this.
Brain Unity
, art is not always a solo act. Sometimes people of different styles can come together and produce art. Especially in the music industry, this is an application we have encountered too much. This service is a service that consists of a combination of different artists. If artists need to produce a new project together, they can use this service to meet their needs.
Brain Invest
, as I mentioned above, is involved in funding large projects. IP authors can also meet in a common denominator and invest in organized, easily and quickly.
Brain Star
is the stage in which the product produced by the artist is sent to the recipient in a turn-key manner.
Brain World
, finally, this service gives you the opportunity to be part of the Brainspace project. For this, you can open an office and even ask you to continue your art by supporting you financially. This way you can get the chance to be part of this amazing project.
Safe and fast payment for services: - lack of ability to track the source of receipts and transfers; - imposing additional commissions of gateways for the use of payment services; - security of personal payment details. The process of payment for the services and services of the Brain Space project is fundamentally different from traditional methods through the use of Blockchain encryption technologies and Smart-Contracts.
The Brainspace platform's own coin name is "Imp token". It enables the trading of currencies on the platform. The monetization and safety of the intellectual property of artists are ensured by this coin.
The Imp token will be a valid payment method all over the world. For now, we have already reached an understanding with 3 stock exchanges. Token holders can keep their tokens on the Brainspace platform if they want them to. Imp token is now on sale on their official website. If you want to buy now, you will have the opportunity to buy less of the ICO price.
By purchasing an IMP token - you invest in a global potential project, you invest in the world market of unique products;
Unlimited number of interested buyers and sellers located around the world;
The IMPCN token has the potential of constantly increasing liquidity on exchanges.
The IMP token has the potential to constantly increase liquidity on
the exchanges by regularly attracting the need to pay for services
within the project, as well as through a high level of demand.
Protection of intellectual property is still a problem today. With the spread of the internet, it is possible to copy intellectual property, obtain and modify it illegally. In addition, the process of monetizing the products of intellectual property owners is still a problem. Artists need a platform where they can get together and produce something together. In this way, they can protect and market the art they produce under much more free conditions. They can also come together with other artists to create new, original and successful works.
The Brainspace project has emerged to be a solution to these problems. It aims to protect the intellectual property of artists and writers along with the great ecosystem it will set up. It will monetize and increase its value in the market where it will establish their products. The artists will improve the quality of the community together. If you are an artist or an author and want to find a solution to your problems, please review the sources of Brainspace that I will share below.
For Further Information
Bitcointalk username: Nuxxorcoin
Bitcointalk profile URL:;u=2378574
Project own algorithm to recognize copies of an audio-visual and text object on the Internet will accelerate the processing of data to identify copyright transitions
Brain space is a excellent project which aims to protect the intellectual property of artists and writers along
Yes indeed)
I really like the idea behind the project. Especially in academic environments, people produces by just thinking and protection of a brilliant idea is tough problem. Thanks.
I like it too )
The protection of intellectual property is indeed a serious problem. With the spread of the Internet, it has become much easier to copy and acquire intellectual property and illegally. The solution is to take a kind of patent by sharing solidarity as part of a great ecosystem of manufacturers and sharing your mind within the system.
Such an amazing technology built on blockchain. Audio and data works will be done easily with the help of Brain Space.
Thank you for your review and im agree with you.
It is obvious that the project is very important to respect intellectual property rights and to protect these rights.
A project carried out by a team of experts and highly experienced in the field. I think the project will reach the target amount of investment in a short time
I thought so.
I have seen similar initiatives but not many with a well structured business model like BrainSpace.
Totally agree with you)
The Imp token will be a valid payment method all over the world. For now, we have already reached an understanding with 3 stock exchanges. Great news for investors.
Brain space is a great idea for Intellectual Property registration. The project combines "deposit" system and blockchain technology. Geniously!
IP registration will create authors future)
Obviously I met the BrainSpace project for the first time and I can clearly say that I felt quite positive as a first impression. There is certainly a benefit in the strict follow-up.
They are already listed on exchanges)