MediChain is a Medical Big-Data Platform. Our proposed system allows patients to store their own data off-chain in an appropriate geographic domain, and give access to doctors and specialists anywhere, regardless of the payer network or EMR used.
so Patients could access their data at any time and allow other doctors and hospitals to access selected parts of the data transcending individual electronic medical records systems.
Patients, doctors, and hospitals could put data into a compliant cloud which becomes part of the MediChain ecosystemand the blockchain stores pointers and rules on usage and anonymity, while the data itself is stored off-chain in a compliant cloud.
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Whenever any data is gathered about a patient, by device or medical professional, dispensing a prescription or even purchase of a non-prescription medication, the patient (through an app) or the device would get a chance to have a reference or “pointer” added to an Ethereum blockchain—a decentralized digital ledger. So the blockchain is an index to storage and it contains the hashes that validate the offchain data.
Instead of payments, this blockchain ecosystem would record critical medical information off-chain, indexed by a virtually incorruptible cryptographic database, maintained by a network of computers, that is accessible to anyone running the software and has the patient's permission to access the specific cryptographic keys.
Every point at which a doctor logs on the blockchain (or the patient logs on for themselves with their smartcard, giving them control of their own data) would become part of a patient’s off-chain record, no matter which electronic system the doctor was using—so any caregiver could use it without worrying about incompatibility issues.
What is the plan?
Working from our existing demonstrator, MediChain system will be developed on an Ethereum framework with offchain data stored in secure clouds in appropriate regions. It will initially be launched in collaboration with a number of medical specialities such as epilepsy and rheumatology and specific diagnostic devices. The next phase will be building up the chain data warehouse through an open access API and medical partnerships. MediChain will then be made publically available through the API and through partners for data acquisition. Then an exchange will been developed to allow secure controlled anonymized data access to patient data.
What are the Tokens?
MediChain Utility Tokens (MCU) represent the value of arbitrary patient data blocks. MCU Utility tokens can be purchased via the platform during the tokens sale. A rule of thumb is that initially, the data from each consultation or piece of data is arbitrarily given a value in MCUs equal to buyer cost of the consultation in US dollars. Over time this value is adjusted for token availability, different data types, diseases, patient demographics etc., to reflect the buyer’s market. Data is available (subject to rules and anonymization) through one or more marketplaces to buyers.
The Utility Tokens for MediChain (MCUs) made available for sale in connection with The Token Generation Event (“TGE”) will be allocated as follows:

Pre-Sale Maximum 6.5%
Public Sale 40%
Partner Fund 15%
Team & founder Fund 18%
Advisors 6.5%
Medical Data Fund 10%
Bounty 4%
1 MCU has a nominal release value of $1 US. All unsold tokens will be burned.
Pre-Sale 6,500,000 MCU
6.5% of MediChain tokens MCU will be distributed at presale. That will be five
Public Main Sale 40,000,000 MCU
40% of MediChain tokens MCU will be sold through the public sale. Received funds will be used toward the operations of the MediChain for the next five years. This includes development, administration, marketing, financial and legal consultancy, etc.
More info website:
White Paper:
ETH : 0x182AbEE507ACeb3F5be075De41a62EDCf5411917
Good Project to Khasnah