in #cryptolast year (edited)

I just made a up a word describing the retailer trader whic has always been the number one victim in any market really especially crypto markets and so having a bag of experience on my back since 2017 I feel like its time for an awakening of the old retailer into a new one more sharper and alert to the tricks and sticks of trading not necessarily perfect or even close to being good but worthy of at least a new pair of shoes, some pants or simply a new name...


which is a mix of 3 words:

  1. vampire
  2. pamp (pump in troll mode)
  3. retailer

and this is how it came to me as i was talking to my friend in a short but funny sequence:

John (my friend): so what are you going to do now?
me: Im gonna wait!
John: wait for what?
me: blood on the street
John: oh, and when you think that will happen?
me: I dont know but when it does I will be there sucking all the blood that I can and watch it ''pamp'' back up again!
John: ohh...
me: yeah! Like a vampire thirsty for blood... call me Vamp!...Vampamp!... Vam..pamper...vampu...vaaaa...vaaaaaa...VAMPAMPAILER!!!
John: ---
me: :)
John: okaaay that's it for me! I'm outta here!
me: wait...what? ...yo John!...JOHN!!...

So i searched the ''word'' just for fun right and yea... nothing there! lol well not after this post i guess. LOL


Also it's funny how the cartoon on the search page looks like a... vampire maybe? yea kinda, with the horns and all lol... also hes waiting for that fish to get hooked kinda like the Vampampailer waiting for that blood to suck lol...

Maybe he is the real Vampampailer lol

I mean after all thats what the search got for me lol