Currently in the midst of building and testing a GPU mining rig which is AM4 based which allowed me to test parts from my currently downed workstation, leading me to call the time of death on the old processor.. So far I'm pulling over +400Mh/s with 5 Sapphire RX 580 cards, which consist of various 4GB/8Gb Nitro+ and PULSE series cards, I shit you not. This was achieved using the recently released AMD optimized miner that goes by the name of mkxminer. You can check out Mkxminer here: MKXminer Bitcointalk.org Thread

A picture of KLYEMINER-1 v1.0.0 with 3 cards on top

Version 2.0 of KLYEMINER-1 hashing away with 5 cards
The Parts List
This is a prototype experimental mining rig, not one of those fancy professional deals you see all prim and proper with all matching parts, meticulously constructed frames and well thought out layout. Nah, this build was the first time I ever made a rig, and the hope was to make it self contained and stack-able to create similar mining units in the future if it's successful. A spare PSU I had kicking around seems to be working for the 5 cards I have currently running but about to get 6 going today if all goes to plan.
$1896.86 - 6 x Sapphire RX580 GPU (Mix of Nitro+ & Pulse 4GB/8G)
$102.99 - 1 x Biostar TB-350-BTC Motherboard (6 PCIE Slots)
$142.99 - 2 x 4GB G.SKill Ripjaw V RAM (3200Mhz FSB)
$125.99 6 x PCI-E Risers 16x to 1x
$149.99 - 1 x Ryzen 3 1300x 4 Core 3.5Ghz CPU (With Cooling Fan)
$9.99 - 1 x Thermal Heat Paste
$229 - 1 x Corsair RM1000i PSU (1000w Digital)
$20 - 1 x Shitty Wal-Mart Shelf
$??? - ? x Random Salvaged Shit
Total Cost: ~$2677.81 CAD
The Hashing Power
The rig seems to be pulling anywhere between 400MH/s-1000MH/s on the pool I'm mining on. As for wattage that is well over 1000w with my guess closer to 1450w but yet to get a kill-a-watt and see what the actual power draw is on this beast. Will get a nice spreadsheet going and start keeping track of the daily earnings of the rig shortly.

A screencap of the mkxminer console showing 5 RX580 cards hashing
Such pretty LED colours that alternate and entrance me if I let myself stare too long

Screencap from verters pool showing the low end of the hashings

Screencap from verters showing a crazy high end spike on hashings

The main PSU has a monitor. Here It's showing around 900w draw..
It runs higher than this now though
Plan to open up the top section housing the 4 Sapphire Nitro+ cards to try and get the heat down a bit and allow for greater speeds. In the next little while I'll be tuning the machine to use less energy and get optimal hash per watt. Stay tuned for updates on my prototype mining rig later on in the week. Maybe it works flawlessly, maybe it lights on fire!
Only time will tell...
Nice looking RIG which still steems up and gets going. I myself built one without any knowledge (6XRX480) gathering information from the internet. It was quite a challenge, I got some ETH mined in the begining, than got some MONERO as well and now I'm focusing on UBQ after its jump and promising grow. The feeling of having build something from scratch is great and I must say that I got well return and some nice profits from it.

Nice rig! This is enough to heat a pretty good size room if not more.
thats an insane hashrate, are you serious?
I can't wait to purchase a BB rig :P
You should make a video of this my man. This is really helpful for the budget minded cryptopreneur.
everything is cryptocurrency
Nice, but can you not turn off those pretty LED lights to save $$$ on electricity...?
Jaws - The Search for Bitcoin GoldThat sure is pretty! "We're gonna need a bigger hash rate!" ~ Captain @klye in
... best thing ever on a Walmart shelf (-:
Random Salvaged Shit ... priceless.
that's great information.............
the great blog,like your post, thanks for sharing,
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lol no lie but that shitty wall mart shelf cracked me up for a while but it works! The power consumption of these beasts is always what ends up being the killer do you run solar wind anything like that?
bump- Curious as to the cost of running per month.
I hope that you would get a nice return of investment because the miners draws much power and electric consumption might kill the profits but I think not at this time since BTC price is shooting up.Lovely mining rig @klye
Thank you very much for sharing with us the excellent information.
Thanks for sharing. You've inspired me to expand my 2 GPU rig further with some shitty spare parts that I have lying around. Cheers.