Hi guys, I'm Kriptonita your friend on Crypto World!
This is a kind of experiment to me. Try to earn 1 million Dollars with Crypto-coins. Is it really possible? Maybe, maybe not. Let's discover it.
I'll do a simple and straight introduction of this project and my life into crypto world.
My crypto history starts with IQOption, a Russian/Cyprus company that is well-known by trading Forex options, not crypto currencies. So, why am I talking about their? I'm going to answer it.
About 4 months ago I'd just received 1,100 OTN tokens from IQOption platform by trading forex options. I didn't know much about crypto, so I started research about it. I discovered that my OTN tokens could have some value :)
In short, these 1,100 OTN tokens gave me more or less 7.000 USD, then I separated this money is three parts:
1 - The first one was for participate in ICOs
2 - The second one I separated to try some success by trading.
3 - The last part was for invest in potencial coins.
I started to invest in some ICOs: Micromoney, My Wish, Playkey, Crypterium, Utrust, Ideacoin and Cappasity.
Up to now, only Crypterium and Ideacoin are not listed in an exchange yet. All of others coins already are.
Let's show the results:
Micromoney: 100% profit (or 2x);
MyWish: 115% profit (or 2,1x);
Playkey: 87% profit (or 1,8x);
Utrust: 1,000% profit (or 11x)
Cappasity: 400% profit (or 5x)
With my success with ICOs, I put more money (only the profit) into others ICOs, like: Realisto, Storiqa, Swissborg and Savedroid.
Actually, it's not too easy how to identify good ICOs, but it's not hard as well. We need follow some steps, but this is a topic for other post.
Now, we are going to talk about trading. For trading I'm using only Bittrex exchange. It has a good volume, so It's easy to fill the orders without much risk. Here I earned some money, but just a little, around 20%/monthly. In crypto world, this is too low. I'm still trading, but much less than before.
The last part of my investment was to coins that I believe have a strong potencial for high value in the future. This part is very exciting, because I could learn a lot about crypto thanks to these researches. Now, for me it's pretty easy to recognise a promising coin rather a shitcoin. I'll talking about this later in an another post. For now, let's only introduce you the coins which I'm investing in. They are basically just two coins: Waves (probably you already know about this one) and ONION (probably you don't know about this one yet).
Briefing, I bought both of them when their price were about USD 3, right now they are worthing USD 9. A three times profit. Is it good enough? I don't think so. These coins have potencial to arrive in USD 100 still inside this year. I'll create a post specific for each coin which I believe.Stay tuned!
You can say: "Ok, Kriptonita, you told what you are investing in and why, but how about your total profit, can you share?", I gotta answer: Sure! Today, I have USD 54,000 in crypto. Yes. I started with USD 7k and now I'm at USD 54k. Almost 8x profit (+/- 680%).
On next posts I will talk more about ICOs, Coins, Trading and general information about our crypto world, so that I believe I can help you guys to earn as much money as I'm earning.
Espectacular comentario, gracias.