Yeah, that's basically it. You run the full QT wallet, add staking=1
to your pivx.conf file and once everything is fully synced up, you unlock the wallet for staking. That's it. Any PIVX in your wallet which has been there for 101 confirmations will be eligible for staking. The little green arrow in the bottom right will turn green and you'll be good to go.
I haven't had a reward since 3/21/17 23:34 though, so either the competition has really increased or something else isn't quite right. When I first start it up, I get a lot of peer connections. After a while it drops down to just one or two, so I wonder if something isn't right.
Looks like the price of PIVX is retracing back to something a little more sane. I wish I had sold some at the top, but what else is new. :)
I'm holding it long. I think it's going to do well. Is there a tutorial on how to add staking=1 to your pivx.conf file?
I don't have one handy, but there are some you can find via Google. The staking channel on their slack is quite helpful as well. It will depend on your operating system, but you basically just find the installation directory and make sure you have a pivx.conf file and just add that value to it. That's it.