I wouldn't mind having to watch a few ads a day if i got to have a decently stable internet connection. I'm from Venezuela and today marks the 30th day of my main internet connection being down, i have been using phone data for the last 30 days because my ISPs incompetence on the matter...
So i support 100% every single project and company trying to establish a world wide internet connection, if it runs at atleast 5mbits per second, it would already be 5x of what my current ISP provides (which is nothing right now because the connection is dead).
AMEN TO THAT! Your story is a SHINING example of the power of this project! Thank you for sharing! :)
Exactly! 15 days ago i created a post basically complaining and venting out the dread of the situation, imagine today, that i am on the 30th day mark and the incompetent company has not even shown their faces to try and fix the problem.
And its not only me but thousands of people just in my country and millions across the world, even if i had to watch 1 ad or 2 ads every hour i would be ok with that.