The sky over the market

in #crypto8 years ago

Hello everyone,

As I am tasting for the first time, the different qualities of the cryptoworld...
The eyes squared by the pixels of the exchange ( This green and red stuff is pure evil ),
I came out of my darkened room ( 7h34 in the morning...right, that's what those markets do to you if you're not shaped and strong, and lack a clear portfolio)...anyway.
I came out of my troglodite pseudo high-teched space to found...

the mesmerizing beauty of nature !


with the rising sun at the gate of the mountains !

greens ( all kind of ! ) browns, greys, blues, what a sky ! what beautiful earth !

"So being raped by the market was worth it !!! it just opened my eyes again by creating a strong enough contrast ! oh beautiful nature ! Oh work of life ! Here is the proof of concept, the infinite stringchain of the universe !

How many wonders must one reap to finally taste again the touch of raw life?

Heart lightened, graced and blessed, eyes closed and all that, I then embraced the way back to my room.

BTC IS Freeee-FALLING~~~wooop . That wasn't the plan right...?

I was supposed to hold my BTC in order to get those free siblings...
you know this feeling....
When the nice (looong one) column of red is in front of your eyes.....
And you didn't sell ! ( no it's not again ;D )
(then start a long streak of incoherent self analysis)

Hahaha....Loosing money is supposed to make one learn fast.

I guess I'm learning.


Beautiful nature out there.

Take a stroll once in a while if you are a cave man.

Distinguished salutations.