Staking on an Android TV Box

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

People are doing all kind of things on Pi from different manufacturers, Raspberry, Nano, Banana, Orange, you name it. But you may just have some small Android TV box sitting at home and you did not know how powerful that little baby may be :).

So here we go. First things first. We need to get rid of Android and get a proper OS running. Of course we do not want to destroy the existing setup, so booting and running from SD is the way to go. That is anyway how all the Pi do it.

You need first to check out what your hardware is. Usually it is an AMLogic chipset. You can find that under Android under Settings.

Given that you are a lucky one, as most are, browse to this thread and read it completely:

Ok, you did not, but here is the download link:

Download one version of choice, I would take the Debian Server, but it is up to you. Extract the archive and write it to a micro SD card, should be minimum 4GB and class 10. Use Rufus for this task:

When done, eject the SD card and plug it into the powered off TV box. Press and hold the reset button, which may be hidden inside the AV port (use a tooth stick). Power it on, hold for 10 sec, then release, and the box should boot up in Linux natively.

There are some things you need to do afterwards like changing your password, self explaining.

Also there are some options regarding the dtb.img file you may have to create, depending on your hardware. But you read about that as above, didn't you? :)

Get your new fresh Linux updated by running:
apt update && apt upgrade


In the next part we cover how to get the wallet compiled on that small box.


We will take a wild staking coin, that is CROC as use case. And it will blow your mind, promised.

Very nice article... I was thinking in throwing away my old Android TV, lets check the chipset... :-)

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Yeah, I dont know what your device is, but good luck.
Many people have Android boxes and they don't know how powerful they could be.
So I hope to change that.

It depends on which prefix you are looking for. It seems to me that such a suitable option will be for you SwitchOnShop tv box I personally liked it very much. and everything else is cool there, so you can clarify what you need there yourself