Crypto Market "Most Unpredictable and Risky Market"

in #crypto7 years ago


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Year 2009, the beginning of a new era. Which is called or known as BTC or Bitcoin. It was started as the use of digital currency and the value was equal or less than 1 cent per BTC. Who knew one day it could hit the value of around $20,000 and now it is around $7500.

Why the price had gone that much high!!! There was no particular reason. people started buying it like crazy were searching for the related information in the online and whole world suddenly started talk about it. There are now around 1500 crypto currency on the market, as far as I remember.

This is only my thought. So, please do not take it personally. I heard about BTC in the very beginning. Yeah, that was year 2009. Even I remember watching some advertisement on the BTC on several places. I was doing Forex then. I am related to this type of online income source from that time. But, it did not pick my interest.

But, why the price of BTC was starting increasing and then was devaluated after some time. And the amount of up and down is not normal at all. It goes up like crazy and so the down. Since, I am doing Forex. I know most of the time, why a currency got devaluation against some other currency. But here, there is nothing like that. So, beware about to put your investment in this market. You will never know when it will be on your favor. To me, it's like a gamble.

** Well, I will talk about it more later. Now I am out of time. thank you for your visit in my post. Please let me know your opinion on my writing in the comment section. I will be happy to hear your thought.**


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I was summoned by @mahfuzkhan.

Thanks. Happy to know that.