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RE: The end of the nation state: a crypto vision.

in #crypto7 years ago

That's a very nice article. I hope crypto will do what you are describing. Right now, I can see this technology used for specific usecases, but not for replacing money.

For example, I see bitcoin becoming a digital store of value, aka digital gold, or ethereum becoming a great platform to raise money and create products or games based on blockchain, and lastly Steem which allows you to earn by being active on social medias (with Smart Media Tokens hopefully this will be over all of the internet).

All this innovation is great, but money can't be replaced by crypto. It can and it will, but this will take a long long time. And it will be probably created by governments.

Today's generation of crypto that try to replace money (Litecoin, Dash) are great projects that will definitely improve the way business and transcations are done, but it won't replace money. We will not get paid in Litecoin for doing regular jobs.

For cryptocurrency to replace money, we need a revolution. It will happen, sooner or later, but this might take a lot more time than we expect, maybe not even in our lifetime.