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RE: The end of the nation state: a crypto vision.

in #crypto7 years ago

Inequality isn't a problem in the long term.
A mechanism for transferring wealth by force from the productive to the unproductive is the real issue we face.
Inequality is quickly remedied by an even paying field, where nobody can attack and rob others with policemen.


You don't need taxation when you have wealth. You can just sit back on your pile and use it to coerce people to do things your way and reward your friends. If you want a system without taxes then you should have a system where unused wealth goes away. You could call that a wealth tax, Norway has one - 1% of wealth is taken per year but it forces the rich to be productive, puts the trickle back into trickledown (which we all know is bullshit marketing for the gullible anyway). I'm sure you could invent a system where unused wealth evaporates over long enough time.

But wealth == power, that's as evil and pernicious as taxation == theft. Maybe there is a system where extreme wealth exists but people are just not influenced by it be they could care less about getting bribes?

Incidentally and crypto where there are transaction fees - that's taxation. Modern monetary theory (see @davidpakman recent video) says that taxation by an authority is the real source of fiat money, not barter. Let's not try to reproduce that (obviously doesn't apply to STEEM or EOS).

The more wealth you have, the more you need taxation.
People with lots of stuff get more benefit from socialised property protection services, like the police and the fire department, than those with very little.
I expanded on it here.
Threatening people with violence is uneconomical unless

  • The people you're threatening believe you have a right to do so.
  • The cost of hiring people to do the threatening is externalised onto others.

TLDR; wealthy people already have hired thugs to protect their mansions, and to rob the poor to pay for it.

Less of that would be good.