Wow your setup is amazing. I'm new to mining bitcoin, probably will never truly understand it, but I love the tangible and if that was setup back then....I'm out.
Wow your setup is amazing. I'm new to mining bitcoin, probably will never truly understand it, but I love the tangible and if that was setup back then....I'm out.
Cool setup, but heavy cost... Buy into a pool... I mine BTC and make on average $30 a day.... Cha-CHING!!!... get a wallet...I'll tell you the site, if my investment pans out I'll send you a $100 to start doing your investment. Charity will start soon, end of October. I'm opening another account just to make sure my numbers add up right... It will take a full year but if all goes well we will be a Millionaire!... (actually that will be 2 different accounts for you)- Let's talk end of October ! :)
Yes, that's kindergarten stuff now. I've been out of the game for a long time. Moved over to bitshares. No mining.
Need to get my self more Bitshares they are pennies right now and bar far the most undervalued of all coins. DPOS is future.
Well, that shouldn't be too difficult to get some. Go for it. It will most likely make you rich fairly soon if you buy some now. The Hero campaign is getting set to kick into high gear. BTS won't be cheap for long!
Picked some up getting more today though. We gon be rich boys! ha