My Portfolio Snapshot for 1/2/2018 - How will this look in a Year?

in #crypto7 years ago

What do you do when you are up troubleshooting your Heater in the middle of the night and you need to turn it off for twenty minutes to let it "rest", well I guess you take a snapshot of your beginning of the year Crypto Holdings and post it to the blockchain for posterity so you can come back and take a look at what it looks like this time next year...

The following is a full cut and paste of my portfolio from I have cut out the acquisition cost and profit/loss boxes, just because they are way off due to most of my investment buy in being from SBD profits, so my actual FIAT investment number is much lower than what coinlib says I have invested.

Anyhow. This is how I start the year. Some of you will see coins you recommended in my post from New Year's Even, as I cheated and went and bought a couple bags of coins with some existing capital just to pick up coins I was excited about before they had a chance to pump away from me.

The next coin I am looking to pick up is Tron. Will hopefully get that added to this list before too long!

Feel free to pick this apart and/or ask me about any coins listed and I will tell you what I can about them. Don't buy Plexcoin (the one at the bottom) total scam coin, was my first ICO purchase and I only have it on there to A see if it does anything and B remind myself not to buy the first shiney object I see.


Great post! I was looking down the list of coins and we have some of the same and then I see Fuck token! I was cracking up and texted a screenshot of their home page to my brother telling him I was going to buy some just for the fuck of it! He replied: Fuck Yeah!
Wish it was on one of the exchanges I use but I give a fuck so I am going to get some regardless. A post from @shinyforest led me to you and I am glad she did and I will be following both of you!
Thanks for the post
Sorry for the Fwords :)

Hahahaha go back and find my post about fuck token. I used the word like 93 times in the post. I thought it was epic.

I actually agreed to buy fuck token for sbd. This was before sbd shot up to $15 and in retrospect I was on the losing end of that deal big time. But fuck has gone from .005 to .06 here lately. Good little run for it. If it hits a buck I am fucking cashing out my fucks.


I'm totally fucking going to look for that post! looking forward to it because I give a fuck and hope to give a fuck to you soon!
Keep posting my friend!

So I'm fairly new here and couldn't find your post. Could you reply with the link?

I had to go back a ways, this is from 2 months ago. It's no wonder you couldn't find it. I've pumped a lo of content in 2 months. hahaha

Thanks that was a really fucking good post! Yes you did pump a lot of content which is why I couldn't fucking find it! Thanks for taking the time to look it up for me!

Fuck token?? :)))) I imagine youtube titles appearing in my feed "FUCK to moon", " Is it to late to get FUCKs? "The best FUCK wallet". I could continue like this all day :)) Awesome purchase man

Yeah I am a fan of the Fuck token. Although I think it is a valueless position, but it's cool to hold. hahaha I did a whole post on buying fucks and how many fucks I had to give. It was fun. Though I lost some followers over the crude language. hahaha

FUCK 'em if they can't take a joke...

I think they're missing their mark going after social media platforms. The oldest profession would have been apt.

Good to see you have some MANA, have you staked any against any LAND parcels? I'm on the board of the University district. Looking forward to this coming year and seeing how DCL develops

I haven't honestly. I don't know a whole lot about it. One of the guys I follow mentioned it the other day and @justatouchfey is all in on it, so I figured I would pick up a small bag and see. will need to look into it more.

i cant think how can crypto change the world!!!!!!!!

Tron has been giving me a headache these two weeks but I think it’ll be nice to me in the long run.

With smartcash, do you have to download a wallet to get those extra tokens or can you get them on an exchange? Is doge a serious coin behind the memeness? I made $10 witha tiny investment a few weeks ago, but I don’t know much about them. I heard they were involved in some charity and just kind of went to get a few bucks as my first crypto outside the top 20

Yeah you need to hold the Smart in a wallet, but there is an online wallet you can use to get the smart rewards. I think it is a pretty good coin, I was mining it until the other day I switched my miner over to point at zclassic.

I dunno. Doge tries to moon every now and then just because it is a name people recognize. I think it is just fun to own. Wouldn't expect to make money out of it.

How does one transfer Steem to smartcash? Would I have to verify my binance account first?

Sorry for the delayed response. Got lost in the shuffle. Smart is currently available on cryptomania. Don't think it is on any of the other major exchanges but I am not to sure of that, haven't bought any in awhile.

But yeah, you would need to exchange Steem or sbd for BTC or eth and use that currency to buy Smart on an exchange. There is a strong $Smart community on Steem, so check them out for additional info

Is verge a good coin cause I’ve been seeing a lot of bad stuff about it, hahaha lmao fucktoken is definitely need in my portfolio though

I see several people I follow in on Verge so I figured I would pick up a few. For the most part, everything I have is something I can afford to lose if it goes to zero, so if Verge zeros, I'm not terribly upset.

Yes, must find some Fucks to give.

Did you say 'fuck' token?

Finally Usable Crypto Karma.

It's sort of legit.... if you want a coin that will probably never have any value. hahaha

good information i will prefer steem now

What tracker are you using to manage your portfolio? I've been using Cryptocompare but yours looks much cleaner.

Sorry for the delayed response this is on