medibloc taking healthcare to greater heights

in #crypto7 years ago

Health is one of the basic concerns of man he constantly seeks how to improve his health thereby prolonging life. Over the years healthcare has improved with increase in technology, there have been various breakthroughs in healthcare that would have seemed impossible a few years back, but yet they are a reality now.


Medibloc is an open- source healthcare data platform built on the blockchain that gives patients full control over their medical data, patients can access their medical records anywhere in the world and can choose who to share this data with. This data can be data from various institutions the patient might have seeked medical attention regardless of where they are located and also data from devices like smartphone all integrated for the patients use.


Let's have a look at the benefits of Medibloc over electronic health records:

Maximum level of security:
The current state of electronic health records leaves healthcare records in the hands of private healthcare institutions and the HIPPA privacy rules states that “all medical information must be kept confidential”. And we can testify that humans are not perfect this data can be exposed to the wrong hands either by errors from health workers or even deliberately. Below is an image showing records exposed over the past few years


Medibloc plans to stop this wrong act and make sure that patients health records are kept secure by taking advantage of the high level of security that blockchain give thereby reducing the probability of hacks, and also give the patient full control of their medical records so they can account for who has access to their medical records.

Increased transparency:
Currently patients can't know who has access to their medical records and what purposes their records are used for but Medibloc will establish a transparent platform whereby patients would be notified of activities of those who read,write or have access to their medical records and even track how this records are being used. All this would be done by granting patients authority over thy own personal health records, this will eliminate exploitation of healthcare records by private healthcare institutions.

High interoperability:
Imagine a patient who for some reasons is not in his home state and needs his medical records Medibloc platform is such that the patient doesn't need to take those tests all over again all he needs is to transfer the records to the institution where he/she is seeking medical assistance. Medibloc is an open source platform and various platform applications can freely be connected using the healthcare data stored on the platform giving room for already standardized data such as medical images or genetic information to be easily shared Medibloc is also careful not to restrict the data to only one format so as not to hinder interoperability.Mediblocplans to provide API/SDK for diverse formats, starting with the HL7 FHIR(Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources),and also allow anyone to develop a code supporting other formats. With high level of flexibility and scalability as a basis.

Easy access to medical records:
Users can easily access their medical records once they have access to the internet as Medibloc stores all medical records in a decentralized database Medibloc is not affiliated with any single medical institution nor does it rely on any big institution to provide access healthcare information to customers and practitioners.

High reliability:
It's very important to have a backup copy of important data incase of unforeseen circumstances, Medibloc is not careless about user's data, the health information is kept in a decentralized data storage in other to prevent data loss. Medibloc will continuously generate backup data and also verify the integrity of the data so that when modulations are surfaced the original data can be recovered using the backup data. Another means Medibloc strengthens the integrity of the data is by making it impossible for user to delete or easily modify data. Also medical practitioners can only view the medical records of another person when given permission.

Three types of accounts can be created on the Medibloc platform this are General users, healthcare providers and data researchers. Healthcare providers and data researchers requires a proof of certification.
We can see that only patients have access to their personal records except in cases of emmergency where family members have to step in for them.


Structure of Medibloc platform
image (1).png

Medibloc has developed its own blockchain. The Medibloc team has put a lot of effort into studying blockchain technology and also medical record system. This blockchain would serve as a foundation for Medibloc to establish an efficient and solid security system of personal health records

Medibloc offers open source SDK which allows applications that can be linked to the Medibloc platform to be created easily.

Various applications ranging from web to Mobile
Can be created to manage the healthcare information. This applications are accessible through the service layer of the platform.


The impact Medibloc would have in the medical field by introducing this new way of accessing medical records

For the Patients:
Patients would be able to access their medical records anywhere in the world,it would also save them money they would have spent repeating some tests. And because of this information at their disposal always they can easily be treated regardless of the health institutions they find themselves.

For Insurance Companies:
With the medical information gotten from medibloc , insurance claims can be automated via smart contracts. treatment can be automatically billed to the patient’s insurance plan via smart Contracts.
All this done with the automatic insurance claim application on medibloc

For Medical Researchers:
Medical researchers who need a particular data can request for users willing to share their medical data in exchange for a reward. This would help researchers to get information for research easily. Although, users have the authority to restrict or allow their medical information to be searched. The search component is only available to users that allow their medical information to be searched.


The Medibloc tokens:
Mediblochas two tokens, MED and MEDX.

Medibloc was to be launched on QTUM (MED) initially,but the Medibloc team has decided that it would be better to build their own blockchain in order to optimize their service!

Therefore, holders of MED were airdropped MEDX as well.
Therefore at the release of the mainnet, holders will get 0.5 MainNet coins per MED and 0.5 MainNet coins per MEDX.

The move to ERC-20 was to improve business versatility.



The Medibloc roadmap
image (6).png


The Medibloc team


For more infoinformation and resources
MediBloc Website
MediBloc WhitePaper (ENG)
MediBloc FAQ
[MediBloc About ( Contains Media Kit With] Various Graphics!
MediBloc Medium
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MediBloc Github
MediBloc Telegram


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