Glitzkoin ICO - Pioneer Of The Diamond Blockchain

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)


About Us

The GLITZKOIN project delivers a high utility blockchain that, provides a win-win trading platform for both diamond buyers and sellers. Detailed records are maintained in a tamper proof environment. Backed by our cryptocurrency, we are poised to define a new and superior standard for diamond trading.

Glitzkoin is The First Blockchain Based Portal Which Will Identify and Check Diamonds For Genuineness.

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  • A global trade platform using blockchain technology aimed at improving the cost of transportation, lack of visibility and inefficiencies with paper-based processes

  • Connecting all stake holders from Mining companies to Retail customers

  • Block chain based tracking for certified diamonds

  • A record of attributes, origin and history of each diamond


We incorporate the latest blockchain technology into the supply chain of the diamond industry. This opens up a new platform to conduct global trade in diamonds. Besides reducing the costs related to a transaction, GLITZKOIN eliminates the inefficiencies that are inherent to paper based transaction processing. A set of advanced functions are implemented to provide a very intricate and detailed, diamond tracing and tracking capability. The objective is to decentralize the market place for diamonds, this will vastly open up access for buyers and sellers of diamonds. The diamond trade does require additional ancillary services like shipping, finance and insurance. These services will be provided by separate service providers. The GLITZKOIN Project will only integrate them in the platform and not be charging any commission or brokerage for such third party services.

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There is no doubt that the implementation of GLITZKOIN , will increase the market reach of the diamond
industry. The increased visibility of products and the acceptance of a crypto currency, will make it possible
for diamond dealers at all levels to increase their market share. At the same time, the transparency of the
whole process and the authentication of the diamonds, will instill confidence in both professional and first
time diamond buyers. The absence of middlemen and a lowering of transportation and other related costs,
will allow for highly competitive pricing.

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