If you want to make your transactions easily, quickly and safely with a diversity we offer OnePageX.

in #crypto6 years ago

If you want to exchange cryptocurrencies in an easy, fast and safe way because we have OnePagex, that without the need to register some, you choose the cryptocurrency of your choice and you can start trading and converting from a single page.
OnePagex is the abbreviation of OnePagexExhange.

                  htpps: //onepagex.com/


OnePagex without registration.

Each time users make any transaction to a session, their URL is added so OnePagex does not require registration. It is done easily, by marking the page or copying and pasting the link to return to it and indefinitely you can use the generated addresses. And to see the status of your transactions you can go back!


OnePagex selection.

By searching for the best prices and exchanging various cryptocurrencies, the OnePagex selection operation is generated.

There is little limitation to a few selected cryptocurrencies, there are more than 100 cryptocurrencies available.


Vision and future of OnePagex.

Users will be able to convert more cryptocurrencies through the launch that OnePagex recently made of existing implementations, while said launch allows them to be converted from bitcoin and other assets are being added.

The main objective of OnePagex is that through a simple interface, most cryptocurrencies can be commercialized.

The transactions through OnePagex.

You can allow multiple transactions by staying in line with the simple OnePagex interface and from a page transactions are generated in the form of a card that at any other time users can reuse.

Indicators of the transaction status.

In order for the user to have an accurate idea regarding their transactions, the cards show the status of each transaction.

Freshly created transaction card.

Bitcoin sent, awaiting 2 confirmations.

Exchange is complete! Starting Withdrawal.

Withdrawal Complete! The transaction is done.


OnePagex Widget or integration.

The widget that OnePagex has can be implemented through websites simply by copying and pasting, which allows it to be provided to its users through the websites for an easy exchange of cryptocurrencies.

OneBox is the name given to the OnePagex widget and works just like OnePagex inside the Widget.

The time that OnePagex transactions are taken.

Rapid exchange rates are guaranteed by the effi ciency of transactions that are almost instantaneous once the trained currency is confirmed.


Case of use.

Diana is a business woman dedicated to investing in cryptocurrency purchases, so she was looking for a quick and safe way to make transfers to different cryptocurrencies. Since she discovered OnePagex, she has been able to make transfers almost immediately, which allows greater fluidity. your business

More Information & Resources:

OnePageX Website
OnePageX FAQ
OnePageX OneBox
OnePageX Twitter
OnePageX Medium
OnePageX Steemit
OnePageX Telegram




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