Like the Casino know in Las Vegas the People Will be back
The Buyers will come back to the Crypto Market it's human bahaviour
The Crypto Market has taken a hamming today nothing new it has done this before and will do it again.
People always get worried when then see the prices drop but it does really worry me in fact its a good time to turn some Fiat into Crypto
You have to think of the Macro picture
For every prson today selling Crypto they are turning it back into Fiat and they will then spend it or keep there Fiat.
Now over the past year the purchasing power from Crypto has out performed every market on the planet
With yield for every one so hard to get the money gloablly low interest rates money will flow back into Crypto because its a learn behaviour people have got Hugh gains and they will want more in the future.
There are not getting the same gains in regards purchasing power on any market on the planet
Like the Casinos Of Las Vegas They Will be Back
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You are right, they will be back. Once the price falls where it is definitely undervalued people will start buying again. Once price is continuously rising, the gamblers will be back to push us to new highs once again.
For Sure it will be back up again soon
You are right sir. They won't watch the price bleeding for ever.
let the sellers have there day
We only hope for the best now while we wait for them to return.