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RE: New to Steemit. A minnow's perspective on the platform.

in #crypto5 years ago

It can be easy to forget the problems facing newer users after spending time on STEEM and figuring out your way around it. Bots are part of the eco system and that's not going to change. What people are trying to prevent now are people using bots for profit on bad or plagiarized content instead of using them as you are to highlight good work and give it some visibility. I can see why this would appeal to people.

The best advise I could give to you starting to build your profile on STEEM would be to find your tribe, ( Getting the tags right on your type of content) Which will put it in front of the right group of people. Also joining discord app where there are some brilliant groups of users that will help you find your place and help you figure out everything you need to grow and adapt to the blockchain.

Any questions or help let me know and i'll point you in the right direction.