Honest Abe meets Ludwig Nommensen
Five score and four years ago our Congress brought forth upon this continent an unaccountable and unelected private central banking system dedicated to the proposition that all men are not created equal under this unconstitutional currency issuance system.
We are now engaged in seeming perpetual wars testing whether this nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure with an unlimited amount of central bank lending to fund our wars.
We are soon to meet in a great battle between competing keyboard created currency systems. A war waged between world wide systems of competing central banks owning outright our stocks, bonds, real estate and precious metals purchased with keyboard money created as electronic digits at the will of these central banks.
It is all together fitting and proper that we should now all come together to force a vote by petition granted to us in the Constitution of the United States of America
Brave men and women, living and dead, have sworn an oath to protect and defend this constitution as written. It is for us the living to be dedicated here and now to the unfinished work which they who fought have thus far so nobly advanced.
Under the right to petition the government for redress of grievances. I hereby object to central banks and their member banks ownership of stocks, bonds, real estate, precious metals, futures and options or any assets purchased with unlimited and legally undefined keyboard created money.
Keyboard created dollars can be reduced in value infinitely and aggressively have been. A constitutional dollar containing 371.25 grains of fine silver cannot be reduced in value below the market exchange value of silver.
Another unconstitutional keyboard created money, the International Monetary Fund SDR money is soon to directly compete world wide with the privately run federal reserve money potentially causing a virtual tsunami of badly depreciated US dollars to swamp us all in a hyperinflationary panic.
This has gone far enough. At least give the citizens of these United States of America a choice.
Accept a return to a legally defined US silver dollar OR
Accept an unlimited amount of legally undefined, unaccountable, invisible and untouchable worldwide keyboard created money.
Nice info man keep posting