Remember the mining craze of early 2018??

in #crypto5 years ago (edited)

Hello thanks for stopping by ! In late 2017 and early 2018 the crypto mining craze was peaking, and as an IT technician I took advantage of it! My passion is building gaming computers and my #ocd brain loved the challenge of getting 6 or even 8 GPU's working on a single motherboard. It's all about using the right hardware, but then it's also about getting the most bang for your buck ! These day's I wouldn't consider mining anymore, I would much prefer utilize services like Steemit ! Proof of work chains (besides Bitcoin) are definitely not the future of crypto. Proof of Stake is where it's at!

This was one of my personal mining rigs in 2018.. stationed squarely in the front living room. Don't think my ex liked it too much.. I guess that's why she's my ex..
2018-01-13 14.58.34.jpg

This was one of the first mining rigs I built for a client in early 2018. 6 1070ti's and a cute little portable USB display for real time monitoring..
2018-01-06 19.20.40.jpg

Example of a simple, medium entry level mining rig running GTX 1050ti's and 2 1080ti's
2018-01-08 18.00.34.JPG

6 1050ti mining rig running Nice Hash, very efficient cards for their price at the time
2018-01-15 18.55.01.jpg

Would you look at this beast. This sucker was nerve wracking to build. A client hired me to build him 8 of these rigs running 8x 1070ti's and 1070's. One of my most proud builds.

2018-01-25 20.46.10.jpg

A guy just dropped boxes of GPU's off at my house in 2018 lol No kidding. My living room was jam packed for months..
2018-01-25 21.33.37.jpg

Beginning of my clients mining farm.. things are cookin'..
2018-02-03 11.24.15.jpg

My personal baby mining farm I had going in the basement of my old house in 2018.. I paid a guy 1 Ethereum to install the right power breakers and everything and he ended up giving me the wrong receive address. 1 ETH lost to oblivion lol but the house got a nice upgrade..

More of the mining farm I was building for a client, this is about half complete..


I am happy for you, you are getting better at what you do.

all craze went away

Yeah, proof of work chains (except Bitcoin) aren’t long term sustainable I don’t believe ... I honestly wonder if and when we will start seeing more efficient asic miners, the efficiency has a lonnnnggg way to go.

the real question is what happened to these things. where are they now?

Posted using Partiko iOS

Excellent question. I believe the ones I built for my clients are still mining to this day! The ones I built for myself... sold each and every card and piece of hardware ! Mining is fun, but not worth the time in my personal opinion unless you have a massive farm and help.. lots of help. Lol

Posted using Partiko iOS