My kind of crypto kitty!

in #crypto7 years ago



This pretty kitty is called a maneki-neko, meaning beckoning cat in Japanese. This cat figurine is a lucky charm that is believed to attract good luck and fortune for its owners. You can often see them in the entrances to shops or restaurants in Japan and China, and some like mine are battery powered so the cats paw will literally beckon you in!

This is one of the folktales explaining Maneki-neko origin:

The stray cat and the shop: The operator of an impoverished shop (or inn, tavern, temple, etc.) takes in a starving, stray cat despite barely having enough to feed himself. In gratitude, the cat sits in the front of the store beckoning customers, thus bringing prosperity as a reward to the charitable proprietor. Ever after, the "beckoning cat" has been a symbol of good luck for small business owners.
Source Wikipedia

My little kitty came back with me from Hong Kong and sits by my front door. I've made a few adjustments to his message, so I hope it will bring crypto good luck this year!


Now that's my kind of crypto kitty!

Redbubble shop

Have a great day and Steem on!


Amazing crypto luck to you @opheliafu!

I may need to make a Hardfork Kitty for you!

Oh that would be amazing!!

I need one of those kittens in my house, to attract good fortune.
Here we use a ceramic elephant but apparently it is not so effective, because so far I have not had results, maybe the solution is a kitten like yours

I wish you a happy evening
Thank you very much dear friend @opheliafu for sharing all this information

Even if it is not lucky it is still a lovely figurine to welcome people into your home

very nice post..

Approximately 40,000 people are bitten by cats in the U.S. annually.

Just imagine if they were bitten by crypto cats...

A cat’s brain is biologically more similar to a human brain than it is to a dog’s. Both humans and cats have identical regions in their brains that are responsible for emotions.

That will be why the Vulcan mind meld worked with my cat... meeow.

A cat’s brain is biologically more similar to a human brain than it is to a dog’s. Both humans and cats have identical regions in their brains that are responsible for emotions.

This is why dogs never understand me and my cat enjoys Matt Damon films.

The largest breed of cat is the Ragdoll with males weighing in at 1 5 to 20 lbs. The heaviest domestic cat on record was a neutered male tabby named Himmy from Queensland, Australia who weighed 46 lbs. 1 5 oz.

Thank you always wanted to know about that cat seen it in many shops

Good luck!!!So funny @opheliafu!

Wow...excellent post, beautiful cat, amazing post, thanks

Lucky Cat is very loved in Japan!It will bring you wealth:))))

I was just this second thinking of you as I'm sat under my Steem-glass :D

Thank you! Your words made me so happy:D

Then where can I find one?

Kindly visit my blog.

bring luck kitty :D. looks like mine :D

Kitty and bee.png

That is a cute kitty! 🐈🐾

thank you

Touching, naughty, wise, playful and many other words that can be said about cats and cats. They come to our house and become family members. They say that the cat is absolutely independent and does not care about its owners. But this is perfect nonsense and a phenomenal lie. The cat knows perfectly well who lives with her in the house. And she certainly loves her owners. Of course, not as people do, but loves, misses, rejoices when you come into the house. She does it completely in her own way, but we understand this.

in my country Venezuela there is a terrible crisis, so there are many animals abandoned and in misery, always feeding the stray cats near my house, they are 10, their suffering is my suffering

I love kittens, here a cat that adopts with their children ;-)


yes that cat can indeed bring good for us, because by loving cat life will distress
stay away. greetings @opheliafu

lucky cat please bring luck to us. :-(

@expensive717: opheliafu, you are one of the few I have gained much encouragement from please keep it up. I Iove your personality

ahaha is great :)
Hopefully bring you luck :))

Dear @opheliafu Thanks for giving us good luck with maneki-neko. We are in the right place and in the right circumstances with, steem and steem dollar. Congratulations

Reminds me of my favorite anime "Natusme Yuujincho". A lucky cat spirit becomes this boys protector while he gives youkai back their names. In exchange he eats his food and plans to eat him one day; lol!

Maybe it is based on maneki-neko? In Pokémon the character named Meowth is based upon the maneki-neko.

Yes he is; it is a running joke. He turns into a beautiful Chinese dragon type creature sometimes. The cat form is convenient because it helps him get treats from Natsume's mom. You might like it, you can watch it free on crunchy roll. Reminds me of Spirited Away and Mushi Shi.

Que tu lindo gatito te siga trayendo suerte @opheliafu, aunque una artista con la imaginación y creatividad no necesita de esos artilugios ¡Éxitos!