Managing a Credit Fund in a Financial Crisis with Double Digit Annualized Returns- Daniel Riediker, the King of Fixed Income speaks at the World Wealth Creation Conference, Singapore.
Daniel Riediker co-founded Alegra Capital in 2003 as Partner and CEO. The company is an asset manager specialized in the management of securitized products, in particular Collateralized Loan Obligations (CLO) and manages a number of public funds. The track record of the oldest fund, Alegra ABS I, founded in 2004, is an annualized net return in excess of 11% p.a.
Daniel was the former CEO of Centre Solutions Ltd., Zurich, and headed up their European CDO group. During his 8 years with the Centre Group, he collected a broad experience in the area of structured finance and alternative risk transfer. He acquired, structured and executed transactions in the areas of ABS (CDO), contingent equity and structured (re-)insurance.
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World Wealth Creation Conference Singapore 2017 was supported by FGD Media and First Global Direct Executive Recruitment - Specialists in Banking, HR and Management consulting Recruitment
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