My girlfriend hates Blockfolio.

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

I might get in trouble for this post needs to be said!
My girlfriend hates the app Blockfolio, or better say: she hates me using it. Why oh why, she suffers from a very common issue:

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone close to you who uses Blockfolio every 5 minutes to see the price of every coin they own, might own or even owned....based on the belief that doing such thing is stupid.

Now that we have our definition down, let's talk about how it manifest. We meet and it's all good, gonna see a movie or grab a dinner or something when I get this nagging feeling. Something is pumping!!. I just know it. I sniff it in the air.
I take out..


NOTE: Totally not my blockfolio, LOL :))))))))))))

The big number at the top left ( don't act like you don't knw about the BIG NUMBER! ) quickly shows me that I was wrong. I don't like it. I frown. Although I do know that it auto-refreshes when opened...I will drag down the number for a quick refresh. ALAS, the number does not change!
---Finally back to reality when I meet her scowl. Oh, she was talking the whole time. OH! ---
"I'm sorry..what?" I say. "Emergency!".
She's not buying it. In fact, since I got the app [ thank you for the recommendation @meesterboom, THANK YOU VERY MUCH INDEED! ] thing seemed to have spiraled fast down the drain. At first, she only thought I was cheating on her. HA! HA! Easy to dismiss this silly claim. But now it's worst: she knows!.

"Blockfolio again?" she asks. I can see she's being calm. That means trouble of course.
"No..I mean, yes, look steem is 1.2$! Can you believe this? Like I remember just 2 months ago..."
Her blank stare cuts my words like a very sharp knife.
"Look, why the need to check it non stop? It's not like it matters to the minute!"
"noooooo. you don't understand!!"
" I do! What's the point?"
" well, if something happens i can..."
"I can...hmm..."
Well, she got me. I can't trade on my phone! I'm 1 hour away from my house if needs really be to trade something and let's be real. I don't have the balls to leave during a movie to trade. I'd be girlfriendless by the time I click "SELL"
I have no clue how she knows that. When I talk about coins she seems might bored. WOMEN!!
"Ok ok...I just need to know how much I WORTH!!"
"I live when I look at it! Every up and down it's like riding a roller coaster that I carry in my pocket. I can't put it away!"
"That sounds like addiction..."

She wanted to prove it. She took it away and told me to see how i feel.
2 minutes: DENIAL
"Where's my phone? Come on! Give it to me :( Just let me check something!!"

10 minutes: ANGER
"This is unacceptable! You can't take a man's phone!! Give it back!!"

20 minutes: BARGAINING
"Just for a minute! PLEASE! ok..ok..Look, just check how's bts doing and I won't say anything for a day!!"

30 minutes: DEPRESSION
"....I know nothing..."

"I will never see blockfolio again. I'll live!"

Ok, maybe she has a point. I'll try to go to a blockfolio detox clinic ASAP!
Just after I quickly check how sbd is doing....


Ha ha. I used to have the same problem. Solution: got my girlfriend to invest some $ into crypto, installed Blockfolio on her phone and now she checks it right along with me.

that's devious!! hahahaha

Cool - blockfolio, hadn't heard of it. Thanks for the heads up!

Great recommendation! Just downloaded it, no more limited lawnmower app!!

lawnmower is so fking basic!! prepare to get addicted :D

For a moment i think it was your portfolio and i didnt see Steem inside! i was like what?!?

:))) no way. 100.000$?! whaaaat


I relate to your girlfriend so much. This is exactly what my boyfriend @bryguy does with checking his Poloniex and other trading sites. My biggest competition is those damn coins hahahaha

Hahaha reading this article was too good. Ahh you're describing my life rn!

Well mine loves it because when I show the profits she always say 'quick, sell them, where do we spend?'

:)))))))))))))) hilarious

:) shes jealous with blockfolio because your watching it very often and even answers when it calls you

who cares about your girlfriend... :)

I know your struggle!! lol

I have a same experience with you.
But I like it.

i can;t help it ! they should start a group!

Great read! Lol! I hadn't discovered blockfolio yet. Thanks for sharing, we can all relate in one way or another!

mine is looking forward to check the numbers every day. I am not sure still if this is good or bad news

Hey, its 3 am and I woke up and read your article because I wanted to check my steem wallet. Same addiction. Funny, Good luck with your girl friend. Tell her your going to be fabulously wealthy from your blockchain investments.

:))) thanks a lot. if only haha

Damn I have that same problem without the girlfriend though. Glad I'm not the only one addicted to Blockfolio. Great Post!

we all are!!! yesterday the fker was down. greatest anxiety!!

Blockfolio is a hell of a drug man!! Thanks for the laugh!!