Truly enjoying Crypto-trading & the freedom of trading for the first time.

in #crypto8 years ago (edited)

Crypto-trading Rocks!
We all have been trading stocks and options for many years. Although option trading has been very profitable, getting access to all advanced strategies like trading Straddles, Collar's or Strangles is a huge challenge. The trading platforms don't give you access to those strategies which can really save you from losses and help you earn some serious money.

Also you need to have a minimum amount (@ 25k USD) in your trading account (which is a huge amount); to day trade.

Crypto currency trading solves all these issues. It gives true freedom and access to trading to common man. You can invest small amounts and turn a profit. The volatility also helps accrue profits quicker.

The best part is that governments and companies don't have a stronghold and can't do much to manipulate the markets; although many currencies can go bust and certain news can create huge waves.

The freedom to move your money to an exchange in another country and trade and move the profits back to your country are sweet. With a little bit of training and a lot of self-learning one can really take control of one's finances and grow money slowly or fast depending on the skill acquired.

Although crypto trading is not for the weak at heart, amazing returns can be realised with so little intervention from a third party because you don't need any minimum sums to start trading.

I really appreciate a lot of people who have put up youtube videos to help newbies start trading.

Long live the Crypto revolution!