The main reason I use digital coins is the fact that they are immune to the controls of the central banks.
thanks for sharing
The main reason I use digital coins is the fact that they are immune to the controls of the central banks.
thanks for sharing
Main reason I looked at digital money is due to high transaction fees, always being converted into USD$ when working 15:1 ratio with your local currency it is a lose, lose, lose @robertoueti
Totally agree...
I have some friends that transfer all money into bitcoin and them transfer again to some local currency that they will travel. I think that is amazing, since the tax are very very low.
That's right, My country is also.
When you go abroad with a salary of more than 3 months, you will be heavily taxed.
IF you transfer all money into bitcoin and them transfer again to some local currency that you will travel.
you only spend a few tax.