7 years ago in #crypto by rok-sivante (77)
- Past Payouts $25.49
- - Author $21.48
- - Curators $4.01
145 votes
- v4vapid: $10.05
- nanzo-scoop: $3.30
- rok-sivante: $2.64
- alexis555: $2.42
- ripperone: $1.88
- stellabelle: $1.18
- teamsteem: $0.52
- ace108: $0.49
- t-bot: $0.47
- oldtimer: $0.37
- cryptobarry: $0.22
- mammasitta: $0.21
- furious-one: $0.14
- azurejasper: $0.13
- mindtrap: $0.09
- aldentan: $0.08
- the-alien: $0.07
- mariusjuk: $0.07
- playfulfoodie: $0.07
- stephen.king989: $0.06
- and 125 more
Life goes on. I don't know what to say because, all these writings says that you are going through from the tough and stress time. And truly most of the people were prepared for the Retirement Plans with Crypto, but it's not the right time.@rok-sivante, Yes,
HODL is important but it's should not become Over Necessityaspect because if we put something then we should receive something for sure, particularly in aspect of Steem because it's concept is different from all other platforms.
And at this point of the time everyone is waiting for the Bull Run, but at this moment prices are in the teasing mood. But the most important aspect is we have faith or not because sometimes our faith plays great role.
In my opinion, whatever GIF's used it's meeting the current situation and wherever we see, we are getting the Positive Vibes but still prices are not growing and that's the Painful Aspect. And now we have to see the growth in the prices because already lot of energy is drained.
Many projects are coming up with the great visions but those vibes are not touching the Crypto Market Capital and in my opinion now time came when we have to see Institutional Investors in the Crypto Sphere so that we can see some stability in the prices.
I hope and wish that soon prices will rise and also people who facing the stress due to the Crypto Prices can get the relief. And many talking about the Bull Run is soon but in my opinion it's still reflecting as Speculative Aspect.
Wishing you an great day and stay blessed.
The truth is that all those who were early adopters of cryptos should/ must take care of the running expenses especially if they are bank expenses and just let all the remaining to grow. Because they will. Inevitably.
Cryptos are like the internet. It started slowly...and only 1/1000 was privileged enough to use it. Now it is literally everywhere.
Can anyone stop the internet?
Hell No.
This is exactly what will happen when cryptos and society are a little more mature.
Now in your case and after 7 full bearish months it is totally understandable to feel frustrated and disappointed. But things WILL get better and since you have to be more experienced than me in this world, you should know that by now.
As for me? A part of me is happy that I can buy coins at this discount. See...I wasn’t informed or even interested 2 - 3 years back to enter this game while prices where at the bottom. But even now...I think it is still a chance for people to keep buying if they afford it of course.
“Sharks buy when there is blood on the streets”
Have a nice day @rok-sivante
For me crypto got me broke in the first place and if not for your support and steemit my life would have been a mess. I invested my hard earned savings into it and now I am left with penny.I can't even withdraw from binance. Although $400 is nothing to a big investor.This was my life here in Ghana(Africa) now I am back to the village to farm again. I was told to HODL now the very same people are telling me to withdraw my penny. Thanks alot for your support @rok-sivante.
You want an advice, now that your money is nearly gone, simply leave it until the next run up.
I invested in many things and got burnt over the course of this year
The man saying "Life Goes On" seems to be the source of inspiration.
I have been holding since January too. Everyday I used to open the market and see the portofolio and felt sad about it. I know the uptrend will appear soon but it might happen too late. I am not looking at my portfolio anymore, I mean checking it twice a week is working great. Atleast I am enjoyin some great moments except when I think about my portfolio.
Sometimes I wonder " I am the only stupid who has been holding and supporting projects in the most rough time of my life". Now I am pretty sure there are many people :-)
Those day traders appear to be better than holders becuz some of my friends have earn a lot through that way but I can't, because the way is just not suitable to my lifestyle. I have seen them acting madily when they loose a little amount ( and here,I have lost more than 40-50%, I believe I am tough LOL....) I can't live my life like 'em. Though, No hard feelings.
See, what I've found...A Nice Quote by the master of trading Michael Marcus
I haven't seen such an emotional writing and now I am going straight to my portfolio to check back again.
haha ;-)
Limiting the number of times one checks their portfolio (per day, week, etc) is definitely a move conducive to mental-emotional well-being... lol :-)
Yes, It is. I remember the time when all of sudden I used to wake up in the midnight just to check the portfolio...LOL.
And it is not a joke, I have been through that but I am really glad that I could get out of that money making scheme. Now, I can hold my portfolio in a much better way. It pains a little but I know, I can hold the same portfolio for more than 1 year. I have a belief that when we invest in a particular project ... we become part and parcel of that team and withdrawing our money is like to abondon a good team for selfish reasons.
With that outlook, you’re on the right track. Many trade for financial gains alone, but Buffet always preached value investing for a reason - supporting ventures you believe and back morally just as much as financially...
DISCORD - @poetsunited - witness upvote@hash-tag appreciated this comment via @poetsunit
This one hits close to home. I took all conventional wisdom regarding investing and promptly ignored it in favor of greed. Now I'm a trapped bag HODLer. I make a lot of stupid decisions but I'm smart enough to learn from those mistakes. That's why I cashed out everything at a loss and reinvested in Herbalife. Now I have true control of my destiny.
I’m not sure whether the Herbalife bit is a joke or not... lol :-)
Oh,it's totally legit. Just give me fifteen minutes to tell you about an amazing opportunity to create wealth. It's not a pyramid scheme, it's triangular marketing.
I’ve been through the MLM world already.
yeah, i know exactly what you are feeling like right about now. If we were all smart, we would have sold our crypto in December, and we could have rebought our entire portfolios............so, this is the lesson. Nothing can go up forever.....but no one could see this coming back last winter.
It is what it is at this point. Cryptos aren’t going anywhere, so now it’s just a matter of having patience, learning, and waiting for the next bull run once money comes back. It’s all cyclical and things move fast in crypto.
Life is just full of ups and down, and if you dont voice out, nobody could have known what you passing through. Holding when the market is down is cool but at least you need have some hope at bank to feed on.
Remember when problem hit on me that i ran to you, only Gods knows how i manage to survive that hit. I thought all will be cool during that January and i wasnt afraid to take any challenge. But life thought me sense in the other way round. I learnt the hard way but am grateful, i learnt something. I was unable to cost of 1$ in my account lol, life is a teacher definitely.
It has been a very stressful ride indeed. I spend the last months not looking at my portfolio too much, because it's just depressing. Now, I'm trying to earn small amounts by selling on 'highs' and buying back in on 'lows' in our current market. Which is far from where we were in december.
By the end of last year, I had earned a year worth of salary through Steemit. I didn't take out much profit though and now, it's just a few pennies I'm earning.
Just gotta hope for a better future... and not look at the charts too much.
Oh man... you are talking my language. Talk about HODling pains.. We are looking into leaving the country, renting out our hose, to recover.
But, I keep on remembering that nothing meaningful came from something easy, and that good things happen only for those to chase after, for those who understand what it means to be relentless. So here I am, relentless. I'm not quitting, I'm not giving up.
As far the CC's they can keep on calling, don't care.... two years, three years from now, I will remember these days and smile, thinking about how I was so worried these days.
You have taken a risky attitude. It seems that what has become a culture in the crypto world has made some people experience frustration. This culture has affected people to stay in crypto assets even though the price is falling. Losses may occur over time and may also be long. In other conditions there will also be benefits but, very long to achieve that.
Even some of the issued capital becomes worthless, going down. Maybe there is a way that is not right that we have done. We act at the wrong time. Because I never found out about the correct answer to how the prices fluctuate. Analysis is only a theory, there may be opportunities but, very few and have to wait for it in the long run until luck sides with us.
Hopefully this can be a value of life lessons that are useful for us.
Thanks For Sharing Mr. @rok-sivante
Nasty stuff. Just stopped by to chime in that I and most people I know who meddle with cryptos, share the same sentiments and carry the same cross
I have invested in cryptos in one of the most inapropriate times: December. Luckily not all the money. I bought something in March also, but haven't took any profit out yet. I had over 100% revenue on a good trade with ETC a few weeks ago, but I reinvested the money. Now I think that I should have took some profits out. I believe in hodling up to some point. When you feel comfortable with your profit you should take it out. That's my opinion. There's nothing nailed in crypto so next time I get my hands on some ATHs I will sell everything no doubt and get my profit out of the market. Then I will reimvest when dissapointment will take over the market again. I have to say that I learned about crypto markets the hard and painful way.
I feel you on this... Exact same boat.
I hodl to the point I feel dumb, but oh well, the only solution? Hold again.
You’re absolutely right about growing pains can’t be avoided in the process of maturing to handle them.
I can feel your pain cause as at the time I got on steemit January this year , I made an investment of 15 sbds bought with fiat and now the price which I bought it then would buy me 155 sbds now.
But one thing is certain, no gain without pain, when trouble lasts the night, joy comes in the morning.
Definitely Hodling pains.
It might be a long time pain or a short time pain but I kinda still have high hopes on crypto.
Hey Rok, I love your articles and personality so I'll be completely honest with you... So please don't flag me...lol. No wait, am serious
I just had a slight look at your steem portfolio and am sure you have other crypto assets elsewhere so am just gonna say it - it was pretty stupid not to sell some during the boom of December/January. I know saying that changes nothing, but let's hope the mistake isn't made again
Your portfolio can only grow in assets while waiting for a commensurate rise in value so it really doesn't hurt to shed a few whenever the opportunity arises
The good news is that you'll get more chances though, or so I believe.Crypto will bounce back strong
For now just hang on a little dear.... Consider a sacrifice made
Hi Rok. It is not fun and we don't have a crystal ball. I still believe it is the right decision though no matter how tough these times are. Really hoping we will be out of the woods soon.
I hope so, but crypto is something totally new. (as in, the entire history of money)
How it's going to work out, no one really knows.
It isn't a commodity/asset as such - in the traditional sense of the word...
I bought steem when it was 3.something and it has declined ever since. I know the feeling. Really wish there is a rise so that there is a hope for all those who invested, believing in the crypto movement
You are not alone on this boat.
Someone might call me crazy, but there is a method to my madness. We could be sitting in the best opportunity of our lifetimes, and I for one, I'm not going to regret not taking it.
I've regretted choices I've made... but my biggest regrets were always the chances I didn't take.
Your strategy is bulletproof. Life experiences are what counts not money.
We can only eat wit one spoon and life is short.
I was thinking to buy BTC at $200. Hesitating a bit and I bought it when it reached $3000 with the same amount of money.
Cannot agree more.. I've had money and felt miserable.. and I've had a can of tuna to my name and felt accomplished... it's not about the $$ in the bank, not at the end of the day...
I feel exactly the same way.
I expected a slight retracement but I had no idea that we were going to be looking at this extreme bottoming out. You're right, it's incredibly stressful. Everyone I talk to in the crypto community is still expecting a rebound.... and everyone that's not in the community is expecting it to completely fail.
I really need things to start heading in a good direction again. I know I'm not the only one.
I agree with your views. happy to get advice from you.
While I pity you for your losses (I'm down 50% myself), I cannot overlook the fact that you've invested more than you were willing to loose. Just don't do that. Ever. That is the only thing that's kept me afloat.
No pity, please. Lol.
In a way though, I didn’t. and it’s slightly different, as I wasn’t investing in crypto in the sense of taking fiat and putting it into crypto - rather, I was earning in crypto and keeping it in. Truth be told, one of the main reasons I didn’t pull out was because I didn’t have a proper tax strategy figured out and wasn’t willing to pay 30%+ to the government - as I’d view that as a loss I wasn’t willing to take. Instead, I put my money where my mouth was and kept it in these new systems I valued, versus the corrupt fiat empire, and was willing to ride out the inevitable waves. Just overestimated how easy it’d be to wait out the dips. :-)
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Life goes on for real @rok-sivante.
I got out in april amd have been holding tether ever since, although not much, I at least have enough to take care of myself.
Holding is only good in a bull market where we dont have to worry about a decline.
Almost everyone i can think of held through the dip, instead of getting out and holding tether till a bottom was reached.
It isnt also helping that alts continue to go down, even if btc goes up due to the fact that people are pulling from alts into btc more and more.
nice move. (as long as Tether holds up amidst the controversy!)
when are you planning to buy back in?
That is the part about trading that'd drive me nuts... seems like we're probably approaching a time that'd be good for re-entry - although the same probably could have been said for the last few months...
Exactly, when to get back in, o the agony.
Probably when everyone agrees we've hit the bottom