
Wow... that's the best thing I've read in several months!

Where we stand right now is not that dissimilar from the "dot-com crash" of 2000-2001. It was a massive wake-up call for all those who thought they could become instant millionaires simply by having the word "Internet" in their IPO prospectus. Wind forward 18 years and substitute ICO for IPO and "blockchain" for "Internet"... and does it look familiar?

Was the Internet just a passing fad?

Will blockchain technology just be a passing fad?

I take some measure of comfort in knowing that while thousands of "dot com millionaires" perished and got handed their shirt on a plate, those who started worthy things like eBay, Amazon, Yahoo and so on... they pretty much came out smelling like roses. They DID get their Lambos. Not by being clever opportunists, but by having the best, most innovative ideas designed to change the way we do things.

You're exactly right. We don't NEED the 3,287th token that will "create smart contracts to categorize your nose hair." Who the fuck cares? "Yeah, but we're using BLOCKCHAIN technology!" Again, who the fuck cares?

I see this as a crucial part of the growth and maturation of a concept. This is the time when all the "gamblers" and "opportunists" throw in the towel and leave... and the true "value investors" start sorting through the rubble and buying into the real and worthy projects with intent to simply hold those assets with the expectation of tripling their money... not by next week, but by 2021. Because that is typically what investing truly is.

So now we get to ask ourselves... "Is the Steem blockchain a cool and valid device people think will definitely 'become something,' independently of its market valuation?"

A lot of people — once they leave their egos and instant-riches expectations at the door — will probably say "yes."

Great article!

We don't NEED the 3,287th token that will "create smart contracts to categorize your nose hair."

LOL! 🙌



I was thinking along the same lines last night... yeah, there were some people who invested in Google, Amazon, and the big internet companies right at the beginning - comparatively to where we may be at now with blockchain. But were those the only opportunities? FUCK NO. That was just the start.

There were probably millions of opportunities that got created afterwards with different application, niches, sites, communities, etc, etc. Even if we were to lose everything we invested right now, there's still such a huge amount of opportunities ahead. Even here, alot of us are enthusiastic about Steemit because it's the first and pretty much only of its kind - though I wouldn't be surprised if it ended up with a similar fate as MySpace, as there's bound to be many other platforms that evolve to serve in different ways and open up all kinds of new opportunities for people to show up, connect, collaborate, and get compensated, in ways neither of us can foresee at the moment...

So in the midst of this crypto bloodbath, let's be sure to refocus...

I had a little chat over on discord with friends why there is decline in contents on the blockchain. Someone said, the market is down and prices are dwindling. Lol

Well, it is not as if I am not being affected right now or I am one hypocrite. Just that I feel you are right, maybe we ain't ready for the boom in price as our focus isn't right and true for the money.

We need to shape, influence and impact the society at large with tech, and knowledge of the blockchain else the money acquired from crypto may not solve the underlaying problems as time goes by...

Thank you very much, I read everything although long... @rok-sivante

Your welcome.

maybe we ain't ready for the boom in price as our focus isn't right and true for the money.
We need to shape, influence and impact the society at large with tech, and knowledge of the blockchain else the money acquired from crypto may not solve the underlaying problems as time goes by...


He said it just right.... I like it long... Keeps me busy and make me think deep, the longest of the post is the key... It painful I got here late... Had an hectic day

Oh! My God, I read this and flows of tears gushed down from my eyes. This had a deeper meaning than just the ordinary, it is just a paint of what is happening in the ordinary world.

The moment we all aspiring to acquire more, the more we hurt/cheat nature and left the true things untouched. Many wanted to get on board, many wanted to help, but they are either handicap by the major force in the world Money/poverty.

The question is how do we get this all done, were do we start from, and how can we all have same mind, when hunger is A tool sharing us apart. Your point are valid but how do we get this done?



Your point are valid but how do we get this done?

There's no absolute answer to that question, as we are the ones who collectively write the answer.

IMO, Tauchain could potentially be the next most important step/component in the development of an infrastructure to serve the platforms that enable that answer to be actualized. Still very early on, and getting to writing more on it is next in the pipeline - though Tau and Earth Dollar, I personally see as two of the most promising projects which may be key in the formation of that answer - whether those two projects themselves, or merely the concepts which they are building upon...

Now you're throwing more questions at us, how do we answer them... He made nice points and the combination of all is just too superb, I specifically like the part of speech he used there; "we're all walking in suit of flesh" that has a great meaning....

You solve the money/poverty by growing the pie. Create more wealth, then there is more to share until all have abundance. We have a whole universe full of energy & resources. We just need to figure out how to use all of it properly. Cryptocurrency & blockchain software is part of creating wealth without corrupt politicians/governments who destroy wealth creation by over taxation.

This is great. I think many of us believe that what is going on here is the physical manifestation of an energetic shift into a new world, yet, as you say, we've still got carried away with ideas of Lambos and an easy life.

One of the best things about STEEM is the communities that you can get involved with and connecting to the "on the edge" thinkers. This has been amazing for me and I seem to delve deeper every week.

The Buckminster Fuller quote is very poignant at the moment.

Personally, I think we are all going to come through this into something amazing. There will be some rough moments of questioning everything at times though.

Of course, we might all still get rich!

I think many of us believe that what is going on here is the physical manifestation of an energetic shift into a new world

This is a concept worthy of great exploration & elaboration unto its own... :-)

I agree. I've had a few bashes at this in my podcast recently, but nowhere near as eloquently put as this article.

I always enjoy reading your thoughts. I just finished composing my own post today, then settled into reading yours and was surprised with some of the parallels in personal experience.

This has been a time of reflection for me, after the heady days late last year. The crash to reality in the markets has been a crash to reality in myself. I was able to perceive my excesses and illusions. It is always welcoming and comforting to have the veil of delusion lifted, once the pain has receded.

May our future be even more ennobling than today.

The crash to reality in the markets has been a crash to reality in myself. I was able to perceive my excesses and illusions. It is always welcoming and comforting to have the veil of delusion lifted, once the pain has receded.



I say the reward of pain is experience. Your words ring so true, nothing is free and easy- if it’s easy it’s not worth it in the end.😉

@rok-sivante, For sure, Current Market situation is reflecting as Crisis, but we have to understand one thing and that is if anyone say that, to reach an next level, path will be easy then for sure it's not an true lines in any way.

In my opinion the biggest problem with the Humanity is, Just I and that means, i should stay happy no matter what situation is faced by the next person is an biggest drawback for sure.

And if we cannot think in the bigger perspective then for sure we cannot grow. We have to think about the development in numbers and just not about i aspect and that is because then there is no difference between us and the cruel politicians who are just watching for their benefits.

And i will give an simple example and that is, today we are falling for the Materialistic Aspects and neglecting the supporting nature and thinking about others too and about their development, then just remember, all these Materialistic Aspects will going to vanish for sure, and for example, at many places people face the natural disasters and they lose everything but at the end of the day only one human being can support other human beings for sure.

So, we have to leave the aspect of greed and false desires and we have to respect the time and have to continue our work because if we put our true efforts then for sure today or tomorrow we will going to achieve the successful phase for sure.

Wishing you an great day and stay blessed. 🙂

Terrific 👌...those are the golden words spoken right from beneath heart. 👍 With market crash we could not reach on multiplying our least it make user to live in reality than dreaming sky in crypto world. A diversion is needed to pump up the energy. I think it is upto us to make a postive move and move upward. Infact today i did powered up a bit by cashing on spare SBD. Hopefuly as the time goes it helps me to make some mark on crypto world.

Posted using Partiko Android

Yes! It's time for all the weakling to grow the fuck up and do something positive in the market! It's time for hard work not crying :)

This whole thing is beginning to feel weird to me. Why do all altcoins go down at the same time like they are all connected. Are they connected? It feels like someone is continuously hacking cryptos, I mean who are those selling at these low prices? I expect people to be buying not selling now... I actually wrote a post last month claiming that the bull market had started, but apparently not... these markets are so unpredictable like I would have never guessed steem price would be at 0.80 cents like who is selling at this price?

Good questions.

@dana-edwards has posed the idea that it could be market manipulation, people shorting on margin. I don’t fully understand the dynamics of how that would work, but it’s make sense...

Looks like everything is getting shorted...less than 1% of the market takes an indifferent position when the whole market is in a bear period.

Rather fucked, isn’t it. Doesn’t exactly reflect the core free market principles.

What a beautiful post. Thank you for writing this perspective. I too wrote this week about what a blessing this correction has turned out to be for me. It's certainly been uncomfortable, but it's forced me to prioritize and really set financial goals that I was neglecting before. Now saving money isn't a choice. I have to save everything I can. And that's actually fabulous - to realize that I can pick myself back up from the bottom and rebuild without touching my crypto assets. To realize how little I was saving before & how much I needed to change my patterns.

We will get through this. We need to keep encouraging each other. Thank you for adding the beautiful reminder that there are more important things than our personal financial prosperity. In the grand scheme of things, that's not what matters.

Best wishes. I believe there will be a turnaround soon.

The article seems to have been written straight from the heart and has empathized with the feelings of millions of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology investors globally .You have been able to reflect the pensive mood and the feeling of impending doom felt by these millions of investors. Without going into the reasons for the crash i would like to just mention that the price and the speed with which these crypto-currencies had moved up in the recent past there was only one direction where it would have moved next.The next move would have to be downwards only and nowhere else.The valuations had overstreched by all measures and the people who were holding these currencies cashed out at the market peak.They were the smart investors who were also the informed investors. They handed over their holding to new uninformed investors who had joined in the bandwagon for making some quick buck while the momentum was strong but they got caught by the sudden drop in the price and valuation of these currencies.People who sold it at the peak would be laughing all the way to their banks.

There is nobody else to be blamed but the greed within us and the indiscipline in our approach towards the investment in this asset class.
The silver lining however is that there is value in block chain technology and now the valuations are much more favourable for investing for the long term.My suggestion is that it is the right time to start nibbling on these currencies for a long term portfolio gains.

I appreciate your writing and your thoughts. I know a few people that were able to cash out on time and I can tell you right now they are dealing with a whole different set of challenges. Most of us humans have been programmed to think that once we have wealth, we can live a fulfilled life. Well, they are facing the challenges of their current situation. These people now have the hard task of figure out who they trully are now that they are no longer in the rat race. Now that they finally made it.

I'm not saying we are the lucky ones by any mean. My portfolio fucking sucks right now, but I was never in crypto as a trader. I see the advantages of recalibration of wealth, I see the beauty of having so many conscious people connected.

I'm willing to wait and ride the crypto market. I am thankful of all the things I have learned and all the people I got to interact with. If it wasn't for steemit I would have never embarked on the journey I'm on.

I feel like it's all a matter of perspective. We might not have the wealth, but we still have humanity and the desire to make the world a better place.

Well, and one of the main reason why all this happened is because stupid money flows in the market. People invest without really knowing this Technology. It is like investing in Microsoft and expect a good harvest so their share goes up.

True. Case-in-point: $8-13 SBD in December.

I really couldn’t figure out who was buying SBD at over a dollar why, when it has also been clear from the start that it was ‘supposed to be’ pegged to $1.

Sure enough, there were other dozens of completely shit ICOs that raises millions that’d exemplify that point just as well...

... yeah and so many people lost so much money ... it is sad ...

The capitalist mind is what is preventing us from moving forward, however what history tells us is that each crisis actually feeds capitalism instead of helping it collapse.
The communal, respectful to everyone's needs society is nowhere at the horizon yet.

But I do believe in awareness and maybe once the critical mass is reached we will be able to rethink the current dogmas.

Nice read, thx

The capitalist mind as it’s been, perhaps. Elements of capitalism may still have their time, place, and merit - although any “ism” becomes dangerous when the cultural codes don’t upgrade according to the needs of the times.

Thankfully, much isbeing rethought. Just takes time for the outer externalizations to shift as the critical mass of inner awareness occurs...

Whenever I become optimistic about "the future" I'm starting to wonder if it's not just skewed by the information bubble I live in (I'm literate, I'm educated, I'm white, I'm male, I have LTE on my smartphone, I have a smartphone ;-)) that stops me from seeing that people don't want a change, they want everything the way it is now - just have way more dough to enjoy it, be the rockstar, not the groupie 😉

Truth. Too many just complain and I am part of that myself but what we need is ACTION. I'm glad you can bring perspective into our lives. Now we just have to assimilate together and act.

This drop in the market is something normal and I expected, so I'm using it to increase my holdings. Even though the market is lower here, I do not regret it. It's not easy to lower the cryptography market and I think it's a good opportunity, the most important thing is to invest in quality projects so you do not regret it later and you can sleep well at night.

This is outstanding. I've been grappling with some of this thinking myself and you've definitely helped me crystallise my thought process.

I actually refocused to get my hands dirty actually doing some work toward crypto 2 months back, but I never thought the market would be this brutal. Your insight is a timely and poignant reminder.


Crypto has been getting hurt sense the start of the year, but that’s what happens when the bubble pops, it will flourish once again, but its going to take the next wave of innovation to get us there. The ground work is being laid down right now, those who have the stomach to hang on will reap the rewards once it gets there.

Very good analysis. I totally agree with the fact that most of the people just want to quick money instead of actually thinking long-term, creating genuine value and solving people's problems.

Hype is never a good thing, with the ICO fever we saw prices going up all based on ideas and/or promises. Where are those ICO projects today? Very very few have "kind of" delivered something.

Hopefully this will help the ecosystem to shift focus on building rather than hype!

Posted using Partiko Android

It was reported in February in Fortune that nearly half of 2017's ICOs had already died. I have no idea what the most recent figure would be, though would imagine it'd be alot higher than that by now.

Nonetheless, the small amount that have some real substance behind them shall carry onwards, just as the dot-com bubble had burst, yet gave way to the internet we know today.

In the meantime, the best thing we can do is continue to create value and serve the revolution the best we can, bringing our talent, knowledge, passion, and purpose to work towards solving challenges. So long as we keep focused with that, there will always be opportunities to be created... 🙏

I think the number lies around 90% if I remember correctly (I read somewhere).

We definitely should be creating value, that will bring success in the long run.

Posted using Partiko Android

One of the best things about STEEM is the communities that you can get involved with and connecting to the "on the edge" thinkers. This has been amazing for me and I seem to delve deeper every week.

The Buckminster Fuller quote is very poignant at the moment.

Personally, I think we are all going to come through this into something amazing. There will be some rough moments of questioning everything at times though.

Of course, we might all still get rich!

Of course, we might all still get rich!

All, unlikely. However, for those who commit and continue to create value and work diligently towards solving problems and serving the movement, there shall always be more opportunities to be created - and the wealth to follow...


This is what I've been screaming! Although definitely not this eloquently. What a perfect piece.

Also, I freaking love that planet illustration.

Some really good points very well made @rok-sivante..

Steemit, more than any other social media outlet does a lot for good causes already, which is a great thing, but you are right that with such a collective of people worldwide, there is more we could look to do
in relation to more pressing issues like global warming and people still straving to death in 2018, even though the majority of us on here waste food on a daily basis..

Recently, I have found myself sticking to my little niches on here, but this evening, I ventured to the main Steemit page and found your post, and I'm glad I did, as it's really got me thinking.. I'm going to resteem
it to my 1126 followers, as it is a something worth reading..

Peace out bro

holy shit... i think this is my favorite blog of yours... hands down...

My comment here is shit, I have nothing to add... I've been thinking the same things tip toeing around them and not putting them out there with beautiful brutality.

A sincere thank you for the bucket of cold water..

Lol. Your welcome. :-)

I second @denmarkguy but I do think I need something to categorize my nose hairs so I can sell them on e-bay and get super rich so I can buy me a Porche or a Mercedes.


While in the midst of a bear market like this, perhaps...

Just another 'round around the roller coaster to me. Feeling 90% indifferent:10% annoyed.... so thats progress for me.

Upvoted & Resteemed.

Exceptional bit of motivation, especially so for those of us who are building our businesses here on the Steem blockchain. Staying focussed on what's important.

"This is a liberation from false hopes and immature ways of being."

We've been in a liberation for the past 100 years, with wars and recurring financial bubbles. It seems the cycles keeps repeating, and nobody learns anything.

Perhaps not all at the same time.

Regardless, evolution continues its cycles upwards. And given it’s taken thousands - if not millions - of years to get this far, perhaps it’s be unrealistic to expect complete transformation to the ideal within a couple of generations. Although, we might be at the point now, where such is possible given the acceleration of technology and access to information...

"Although, we might be at the point now, where such is possible given the acceleration of technology and access to information..."

I don't think we lack access to information and knowledge, but wisdom and empathy seems in short supply these days.

I loved this post, especially since it resonates with what I interpreted in a global tarot reading I posted yesterday.

Check it out its quite recent in my profile if anyone is interested. It is meant as a reading for the next 3 days and the message is amazingly fitting to the whole article you've written here.

Especially pointing to a highly charged time to turn within and do some truthful and brutally honest self-reflection.

Weird when I see my readings tune into the outside world so accurately. Magical.

Thanks for the article,



And your welcome.

Cool reading. You just earned yourself a new follower. :-)

Same to you great writing. You strike me as able to look at the shadows and darkness with courage and be brutally honest about what you see, warrior writer with heart. Followed too, looking forward to seeing you around! :)

Brother or Sister, you are speaking the truth! Glad to stumble upon your post and profile! Nice to see someone with some wise words!

Too bad we were chasing millions and ended up catching winds. Hopes are already shattered. We are screaming bubble all these while but never saw when we really hit it.

Wow! This is awesome...thanks for the headsup.

Thanks to eMoney

Wow, this publication is very good, the writing can not be better, I love it. Yes, clearly there are many misers in the world. . Esta es una traducción del traductor de Google. :s

thank you for a fascinating take on the spiritual side of “money”

Great insight. Thank you. Crypto like any other product is here to stay if we keep supporting it.

The truth is that I have not had the opportunity to read your publications with attention, this in particular the complete enjoyment. They are scenarios that are presented in this world where we have invested much of our time, as you have described there have been ups and downs but here we are and will continue, I only ask for confidence that is the energy that moves us in this window that has a value immeasurable significant. TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST TRUST

Although The crypto markets may be struggling, but Bitcoin has passed more than 50 percent crypto dominance for the first time this year so i believe steemian will surely survive this hard time no matter what happens

I appreciate this beautiful write up. It us really educative to person like me, the learner.
Thanks once again@rok-sivante

Great post!!!
Not all is easy

This post has received a 98.28 % upvote from @boomerang.

This is something for the new and weaker people to wash out from cryptoworld , only people with string hearts and big ideas will sustain , still blood path will continue for another 1 year , till BTC REACHES $3000

Where do you get the one year figure from?

Check the chart and the history of BTC , it shows that BTC returns to its path from where it starts ,next bull run would be in 2020

You got a 93.64% upvote from @upmewhale courtesy of @rok-sivante!

Earn 100% earning payout by delegating SP to @upmewhale. Visit for details!

Great article. Well done.

We wanted Lambos.
We get Lambos, in time.

I’ll go for Porsche instead. 😎

Ive been able to ignore the dips but my current work situation finally stressed me out. I am waiting for the good or bad news soon. The anticipation is just terrible. I hate so much uncertainty.

Recently I saw that you followed me, I give you a follow in return, I would love to invite you to give me upvote on my post, and support my project, I will upvote for you in the future.

I thank you for encouraging me and other artists. Keep on Steemin my friend!

I never followed you.

The only thing you successfully achieved here is getting yourself busted for spamming like mad and flagged.

Have fun building your rep score back up - or flagged further into oblivion, should you not figure out that SPAM IS UNACCEPTABLE HERE and not correct your mistaken ways.


For the first time in history, people are no longer dependent on the currency and financial systems of their country. The world has a global currency, that allows anyone to set up an account and transact on the network regardless of who they are and where they live. More people in the world have mobile phones than bank accounts. These people are able to access the internet but are unable to open a bank account or apply for loans. Without a bank account, there are billions of people excluded from the financial systems that many of us take for granted. Bitcoin has no exchange rates and no expensive international transaction fees. Bitcoin is the first truly inclusive, global world currency that transcends political and socioeconomic borders. In the next few chapters, we’ll cover the history of Bitcoin and a detailed look at how Bitcoin works.

Flagged for SPAM.
