
It's related to the value of Steem which has gone down in the last few days. You can find it's value on coin market cap. Hope this helps!

Also Steem and SBD are not reaching exchanges. Deposits and withdraws are down on Poloniex and Bittrex

Bad news . So thats the real raison.
Thx for your explicatoin .

Hi @safwenrekik, the value of your account is based on a 7 day average of the price of Steem.

Recently we saw the implementation of hard fork 19 which delivered increased payouts to newer users and those who did not already hold a large stake.

As a result of this, I believe those at the lower end of the scale have cashed out these increased payouts leading to a decline in the value of Steem.

There's more of it finding its way into the market and so the price goes down. It's going to take a while before it stops.

If you're here for the long haul then this kind of price adjustment/volatility shouldn't be an issue.

Thx 🤔😊

its because of the value of steem coin ids declining infront of BTC

Walikom salem !
Bad news 😞


I think the huge across the board bump in 100's of crypto's that sat totally ignored for sometimes years (i.e. primecoin) is being digested. I became interested in STEEM at $1 and it was $2 before I could acquire any BTC...that quick. I wonder if - as some have suggested - the central banks pumped up all the crypto and are from time to time withdrawing huge amounts by selling - effectively making them seem unstable and like a bad investment. ya oughta know - Cent banks want you to do 1 thing with your money - buy stocks. for that matter - go deep into debt to buy stocks. not i said the spider to the fly

 8 years ago (edited) 

Thx for this information bro

Just hang int here man, when steem starts going up soon so will the value of our accounts.