Poland wants to ban cryptocurrencies.

in #crypto7 years ago

The Polish prime minister, Mateusz Morawiecki, announces that he will ban Bitcoin or introduce special regulations regarding cryptocurrencies. In Davos, the journalist asked the Polish Prime Minister about a number of issues, at the end she asked about cryptocurrencies.
To the question: how this issue will be settled, Morawiecki replied, "We will ban or introduce certain special regulations in order to ensure that not too many uninformed people will be involved and that this will not turn out to be another financial pyramid".
A few years ago we experienced a huge scandal in the form of Amber Gold and we do not want to have another - added Morawiecki, reminding that the Polish authorities are watching cryptocurrencies, warning public opinion and intending to regulate them. The president of the National Bank of Poland said similarly about cryptocurrencies "they bring tremendous anxiety, a field for speculation, something that may be inaccessible to criminal and tax services"
A special team for cryptocurrency
The team is going to present a list of their recommendations exactly in one month, how to limit the risk related to cryptocurrencies and investing in the forex market - Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki said on Thursday. The team includes: the President of UOKiK, the president of the KNF, the coordinator of special services, the National Prosecutor and the Minister of Interior.


Steemit czy Busy). W ekosystemie Steem wspiera się oraz nagradza się nową i autorską twórczość.[BOT] Witamy samuel1 na #polish, tagu używanym przez Polaków do publikacji polskich treści w ekosystemie Steem (np.

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Ciekawe co oni tam wymyślą.

Hmmm.. This is everything cuz in Poland still is the RMF and they are so scared to loose control for people in debts.