The last days the crypto-market is plummeting. Depending on whom you ask the market is either just moments from turning around and getting bullish again, others predict several weeks or months of sideways movement and of course others see this as the beginning of the bursting of the bubble.

However Ethereum prices seemed to be rather unimpressed by the last weeks and months. Relative to the whole market, Ethereum is in a very strong position. Slowly but steadily Ethereums market share rose from just under 10% in December to about 22.5% as of the time writing this.
Moreover Ethereum is not only outperforming the whole market, but also strengthening it's position against Bitcoin. The "flippening" seems to be closer than in quite some time. In summer last year it almost seemed to happen, but the time just was not there yet.

Now however the Ethereum ecosystem is stronger than ever before. For example this interesting page lists almost a thousand dapps - dececntralized applications - utilizing the ethereum network. And second to the STEEMIT network that runs the very side you are on right know, the ethereum network is the most active network in the crypto world, according to blocktivity.
The last weeks and days Ethereums market-capitalization rose to almost 70% of Bitcoin market-capitalization (referring to coinmarketcaps data).
Many predict Ethereum to take Bitcoins spot as number one during 2018. With that astonishing pace this could already happen in Q1.
Of course tide could always turn as both Bitcoin and Ethereum are seeking to improve their scalability, with Bitcoins lightning network starting to see action Bitcoin might be able to shake off Ethereum for a while.
But while it may not be big news itself: Ethereum is there. Ethereum is stronger than ever before. And it's chances to become number one in crypto this year are high.
Bitcoin is king, its the alpha in cryptocurrency
No way