Tech entrepreneur Mark Cuban has recently stated that Bitcoin is facing a bubble. However, Daniel M. Harrison, the CEO of DMH&CO and managing partner of Monkey Capital, reveals that such a thing is impossible due to the market-influencing capabilities of Bitcoin and Et Through market bipolarity, any episode of a digital bubble is canceled out. The whole Blockchain system will never return to its “roots” but it will continue evolving. Price valuations, on the other hand, may remain grounded and directed by economic factors.Innovation or its application in various sectors is also another important factor that shapes Blockchain technology’s tenacity and ability to survive a “bubble.” hereum.
I think Ethereum is in a bubble and will have a major correction. I don't know when, but I suspect it will happen when the ponzi of alts starts to implode. Ethereum won't disappear but there is a massive amount of development that still needs to be done before it is viable IMHO.
I really hope so too many people made too much money from ETH
I don't have a problem with people making money, but it is ponzi scheme money in all these alts. The major platform for Ethereum right now is ICOs.
People really need to check out these videos from an Ethereum researcher admitting he sold 99% of his ether and that Ethereum is amateur and years away from fulfilling what it is promising (there's 5 vids total but this is the first one:
There is another factoid operating upon the bubble issue.
Bitcoin has a finite total coin limit: 21000000.
This fact is a 'prevailing wind' driving BTC pricing in exactly one direction.
Ethereum, on the other hand,
simply spews out new coins at the whim of whoever,
making ethereum extremely susceptible to bubble pressures.
As explained on ,
ethereum inflation rate is not merely unpredictable.
The price can implode when the supply exceeds demand.