1: Site/Token Name:
Register link: https://goo.gl/xZiNoS
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- enter your Email>telegram username>twitter username>refer telegram username(type sfig90)
2: Site/Token Name: Tech-Coin
Register link: https://goo.gl/cx2dPQ
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- (Social Media Tasks)
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step 2
- Click the link
- login/join
Bitcointalk username: cryptoarman
reply " #Join-#Proof of authentication Bitcointalk profile URL: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1712948 Telegram username: @AaarmanUddin "
3: Site/Token Name: ORME
1.Join telegram
2.back into website>join from facebook>Click on get start Scroll down
Register link: http://queue.vip/6tSDLRA
- Comment there post>Like on facebook>flow on twitter>share on facebook>
Refer for more earn
4: Site/Token Name: ASM Token Join and 600 ASM
1.Click on AirdropRegister link: http://www.asmchain.io/0x6690023
- Enter ETH Wallet address>Email>verify>Click on go
Refer more earn
5: Site/Token name: ETNX
1: Enter your name>email>password
2: verify your email
3: login>click on bounty> join there telegram group>flow on twitter>tweet there post> click on claimRegister here: https://app.electronero.org/invite/B6xSwz0CRjn1rQ
6: Site/Token Name:ITC Token 1 ITC = $1.77 (Listed on Coinmarketcap)
1: Enter Email address
2: Enter ETH Address
3: Verify Email Address>sing up
check your mail box for verify your email address
4: Login
Join there telegram>copy the code>paste on Telegram
5:Complete tasks
7: Site/Token Name: COINANX ROUND 2 First 10k entrants will receive 100 ANX! ($2)
Register link: http://vy.tc/fNLJY97
- Enter your name>Email>ETH wallet address>Country>verify i', mot a robot>Click Mark>Singup
- Comment>Flow on facebook and twitter
- Share there twitter and facebook pin post then verify
8: Site/Token Name: Social Media Airdrop
Register link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1ps3DzEAVrSpgd4ePfRl4_cEPsiyhBMMYForSqxDlWrk/viewform?edit_requested=true
- Join there twitter> like on facebook> flow on twitter
- enter your telegram username>facebook link>twitter username>ETH wallet address and submit
9: Site/Token Name: SCX
Register link: https://swachhcoin.com/airdrop/
- Enter your username>Email>ETH wallet address
- (Verify required )Join there telegram>like on facebook>flow on twitter>subscribe Rebbit account
10: Site/Token Name: GIN
Register link: http://telegram.me/Gincoinairdropbot?start=4313716
- Click on ETH Address>put your address
- Join then