Got any clue on what banner size normmaly is?
I got a banner made but in not sure of placement of words or how much of the bottom to crop off.
im savinbg the original photoshop file so if the placement is off i can fix it.
ima email it to you too.
Ima make a new signature too. the old one looks cheese to me now.
I'd raise it to the top of the tire?
I'm computer illiterate, but haven't seen the parameters that I know of, yet.
I think folks are gonna try to put in the hyphens in the username, too.
Maybe just spread the letters out without them?
I already have a space between each letter.
i can do it, do you think people can even see it when its the profile pict? i was thinking it would be so small it would look like a blur.
After my food finishes cooking and i eat and finish all my replies ill take out the hyphens in the name. should be quick.
Ok, thank you. I figure to use it from time to time so that folks can know what the profile pic looks like enlarged.
Will mail it in a couple min
have you loaded it up as the banner?
If you do i can look at it and see where the words need to be.
Yes, it should be the banner when you go the @antisocialists page.
I'm guessing about the top of the tire.
This might fit better now that its trimmed up.
let me know after you load it so i can see how it fit.
Emailing it with the other in a min.