hereThis is my entry for the sponsored writing contest organized by @monajam. You can find the contest
Security of investments is crucial, if the cryptocurrency industry sustains it growth, and even surpass projections.
When investors have ways of identifying which projects will give a good ROI, it will boost investor confidence, and ensure that more individuals/organizations invest in projects on the blockchain.
Vertex is a market that brings opportunities that have been thoroughly verified, and vetted by private investors and its team to its community. These opportunities are post-ICO, and Vertex still ensures that the community is able to purchase these tokens at preferential prices-similar to prices offered during ICO’s.
We have seen an explosion of ICO’s being rolled out. These opportunities seem to be on the increase, after really taking off in 2017. According to CoinMarketCap, the cryptocurrencies had a market cap of $279B as at April, 2018.
Unfortunately, with the growth comes more offerings that do not have the interest of the buyer at heart. It is no longer strange to hear of organizations eloping, after the conclusion of ICO’s.
This is why a solution such as Vertex is very important.

Vertex ensures that investors are protected from fake ICO’s and teams with fake offerings/false information. Due to the rigorous process employed by Vertex, the chances of falling for scams are greatly reduced. Vertex also ensures that only the best offerings are presented before investors, ensuring that investors get great ROI’s, and most of the hardwork has been done for them.
The need to also carryout KYC’s (Know Your Customer) repeatedly is no longer needed, seeing Vertex offers a single point of entry. Information collected once, can be used by each team with an ICO.
Users will also be able to have access to hundreds of tokens, via one single channel, which have all been vetted, and have greater chances of succeeding.
Being accepted by Vertex means that ICO’s have scaled through some rigorous processes, and have proved to a great level that they are genuine and are most likely to succeed.
ICO’s that are listed on Vertex are already sure of a crowd that is ready to buy into their token, ensuring the project can truly take off.
The advert opportunities within the platform is another benefit.
ICO’s will also receive support and consulting services from Vertex.
Investors have been turned away due to the bad reputation the crypto industry has picked up of late, no thanks to a greater number of ICO’s failing, rather than succeeding. There is also a great number of individuals who do not still believe in the concept of decentralization.

Through Vertex’s complex system of screening and vetting, the chances of these occurring is greatly reduced, and the crypto industry is the biggest winner.
Vertex also ensures that more funds are injected into the crypto industry, seeing as more users take advantage of the opportunities presented to them, they will convert from fiat to crypto. This leads to an increment in the crypto industries market cap.
To take advantage of opportunities created by Vertex, users will need Vertex (VETX) tokens to achieve this. This will be the only means of buying into opportunities listed on the platform. Users will have individual private wallets, where funds can be securely kept, and they will also have access to security features, such as Two-Factor Verification.
New users will be required to register and go through the KYC process to have access. This is a one time process.

Functions available on the platform are:
- ICO listings
- Clearly showing steps taken, to carry out the evaluation of ICO’s and why they passed through the screening.
- Rating of ICO’s accompanied by notes about each of them, by the Vertex team.
- Purchase of Vertex tokens
- Ability to buy into ICO’s at the click of a button.



Vertex WhitePaper