Daily Crypto-Vlogs
In today's episode we discuss the struggles of converting a fiat/centralization mindset into a decentralized mindset.
Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor; all my advice should be taken lightly for entertainment purposes only.
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Questions and comments may be quoted and shown in future episodes.
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how do you think about the decline in bitcoin prices lately ?, and what do you think about bitcoin in the coming days?
I feel that the millions that were affected by Bitconnect have begun to spread fear, uncertainty and doubt to their fellow peers. These new comers then sell their shares and leave the market out of fear. But, all we can do as a community is reorganize and aid those who have been affected. I am positive the creators of such technologies did not foresee their massive success - this unexpectancy of adoption was difficult to keep up with. If you hold onto your BCC, you'll see that the minds behind Bitconnect have plenty of clever ways to make those tokens applicable in a utilitarian setting. Patience and faith is part of any new market. Bitcoin, Bitconnect, Ethereum, Litecoin & Ripple may all fade away, But the blockchain
technology will be around forever
Just finished reading; The Internet of Money by Andreas M. Antonopoulos, it was a good read. [By the way bro]: were you stoned in this video?
That's one of my favorite books @dazecontrol
I'm glad you enjoyed it, and sorta haha it's CBD oil
Helpful. Thanks for sharing. if I need to know more I will send you a message on your Twitter.
Thanks! Feel free to ask me questions here as well, I appreciate you taking the time to listen in on my little rants.