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RE: Wall Street will bring "Tens of trillions of dollars into crypto"

in #crypto7 years ago (edited)

@jrcornel sounds like you've laid out their perfect plan...This would definitely 'succeed' on a huge enough level to prevent mega investors on the sidelines from entering in. They only need to 'hobble' crypto, before ultimately knocking it off its footing.

I stand by the premise that those in power of the fiat aren't going to go away without a battle to the end. As most who play video games know, only one can win in the end.

As it stands, we can go into 'any' store and buy with fiat. Crypto on the other hand has a way to go to be consistently 'fluid'. I hate to be a pessimist; but, the realist (novice) in me says FIAT is leading 1-0.
