We know that Cryptocurrency is volatile. Within a couple of minutes, Prices of crypto may change drastically. This is especially very true for pump and dump coin. A whale can manipulate prices easily If the trading volume is very less. Other than Manipulation, There are number of reasons a crypto market can change.
- Government regulations
- Rumor
- Mainnet Launch
- New Partnership
- Even a simple tweet from an influencer
- Scam influencer
There are thousands of reason for a price change of crypto. We are quite used to it. When I was introduced to cryptocurrency, Bitcoin price was increasing hourly. Every hour a new high. I was too excited. Mainly, Crypto market was introduced to the common people due to the huge price of Bitcoin. It was reached an all-time high of $20k last year.
We accept that Crypto market is volatile. But the cryptocurrency news site is more volatile. They always try to find the next best breaking news mostly negative.
- South Korea Crypto ban
- Indian Crypto ban
- chinese Crypto ban
Always first to report negative news. Another interesting part of their reporting is the prediction of Bitcoin or other altcoin prices. This expert said price of Bitcoin will go $1million , That person said BTC price will go under $1. Every hour breaking news.
For widespread crypto adoption, Crypto market needs to be stable. In order to use as a currency or payment method, Crypto needs to be stable. Different stakeholders can play a vital role to make it stable.
What is your opinion on Crypto volatility?
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