
Thank you

hese questions are very important for sharing to be effective.
Is sharing a trainer or fun?
Sharing the tone right?
Is the share too long?
Is the shared URL eligible?
Should I target a certain mass of followers with this sharing?
Do I use the right keywords and hashtags to increase the impact of sharing?
How many shares have I made today?
Did I check the share marking rules?
Does anyone see this sharing affect me?
Is this sharing an emotional reflex or a properly planned share?
Have you used images like videos, slideshows, etc. correctly?
Did I use the right tactics when preparing the update text?
I also have a small group I attended to win my crypto pa. The name is @kusadasi


I have no idea what you are talking about

I'm just trying to help out with what I understand

but you keep saying "share" and I'm not sure what you mean.