The transfer of monetary value to settle financial transactions has been an age-long process, even before the advent of technological developments. However, with the advancement of technology, the evolution of payment system keeps changing and has not stopped. This is with the aim of making financial transactions easier, faster, secured and globally acceptable, irrespective of location. Part of the technological advancement and among the most recent is blockchain technology. The full potential of this technology has not yet been explored, as more projects have been and are still being launched. There have been projects that have worked in line with integrating blockchain technology and payment system but have failed. While some that are still on it, are struggling to perfect the process. With respect to this, I came across a project with solution, which seems to be much better than the methods applied by most projects in the crypto space. This project is called, XCARD.
What is XCARD?
XCARDis a blockchain-based project, which allows the use of any form of a card on one digital wallet, as well as the most convenient crypto credit card. Irrespective of your knowledge about cryptocurrency, irrespective of your educational background, XCARD makes your experience with crypto as easy as fiat money and there is no limitation to it.
What makes XCARDspecial when compared to other similar projects?
Although, there are other competitors in the crypto space, that deal with credit cards, yet XCARD is the only project that has been known so far as the only supplier of biometric credit cards. However, the card will not only be available in the physical form but also in the virtual form. Which means that you can easily use your mobile phone or any other form of operating system to access the XCARD cryptocurrency wallet app and biometric credit card and make your transaction. Amazingly, this will easily enhance mass adoption and bring about the real revolution, because it will allow millions and mu h more unbanked people to make transactions by mere access to their mobile phones.
Also, the team of XCARD has more than 20 years of wealth of experience in integrating payment solutions and system into the global financial world. This is coupled with the fact that, although the fundraising had just started, the project has been operating since early 2018.
The partnerships held by this great project is another leverage it has over other projects. It has been able to partner with Santander Bank, Visa, Gatelab and many big and well-known cryptocurrency exchanges, which you will be excited to know about.
How XCARD become a perfect crypto wallet
XCARD crypto wallet is second to none because there has never been any company that combine financial services as it does. For every outstanding innovation, there is always an originator or a pioneer. XCARD in the case is the first and the only company in the crypto space that will enable its users to connect any payment card they desire. Therefore, cryptocurrency can be spent and used on an already existing credit card, debit card, prepaid card or any card whatsoever. XCARD supports 150 fiat currencies, top 30 Cryptocurrencies on Ethereum blockchain and different crypto assets.
How will XCARDchange the global world?
considering the features mentioned above, as well as the services it will be providing, through its innovative ideas, XCARD is exactly what the global economy needs at this time, most especially because it makes payment system easy anywhere and anytime. therefore the biometric credit card from XCARD will not only operate in a localized region but will be used globally with all forms of cards with its brilliant initiative and idea. to foster the ease of transaction. Therefore, if every individual in different parts of the world has been able to access this service, the world, in general, will also be impacted.
Why XCARD is branded the #1 blockchain project
Just as earlier said, I have searched through many projects with almost similar ideas in the crypto space, none and I repeat none is able to integrate and combine different card, irrespective of their types on a single system and none is using biometric credit card as XCARD does. This is, however, one of the ways to confidently say that XCARD should be regarded as being the number one blockchain project when it comes to performing financial and cryptocurrency transaction on the digital wallet and crypto ccredit card.
Also, just as earlier said, I will like to reiterate again that, when compared with other projects, XCARD is partnering with big and trusted companies that have vast experience in the blockchain industry, global financial industry, as well as well trusted and big cryptocurrency exchanges.
The XCARD project is developing and expanding its ability to conduct business in this large market. In today's hyper-competitive world, brand recognition and expanding the network of contacts are crucial for the survival of any business.
even if it is for you to give it a shot, i can confidently tell you that, this is a vast project, but with the little i know about it, it will bring a great transformation to the crypto space, to individuals and the world in entirety, because it is a project that already has values inherent in it.
To access more information, you can visit the following links: WEBSITE, WHITEPAPER; FACEBOOK; TWITTER; LINKEDIN; TELEGRAM; MEDIUM.
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