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RE: ...

in #crypto8 years ago

I bought into Siacoin at 667, it dropped to 600, went up to 630, sold it because I knew it'd go back to 600 as it was already dropping to 622.
It instead stated going up to 640, 650, and then I bought in again thinking it was going to the moon and I'd have just fucked myself.
Then it dropped to 530~
Fuck me.
And that's why I never listen to other people telling me to get into a market, like I did yesterday or the day before with Sia. Other people are fucking stupid. If I had listened to myself before I'd have gotten the BAT hike a few days prior, and if I had listened a day or two ago the Ethereum classic hype.
But I trusted a dirty non-me and their advise.
Never again.


sometimes some advice is worth consideration, though t'is wise to always be discerning in who it's coming from, why they are offering it, and what your risk tolerance is - always fully-acknowledging they could be misinformed.

you can always trust - that people will be who they are, flawed, with self-interest... at that point, it's much easier to remain neutral and objective - considering what others say, but with a higher awareness to separate the substance from the bullshit, and make one's decisions oneself...