Zero Hedge publishes 4 articles on Cryptocurrency in under 24 hours

in #crypto8 years ago

Zero Hedge, one of my favorite news websites (OK, fine, it's "doomsday porn," or as a friend of mine calls it, a "Russian Rag") is coming around to cryptocurrencies. After being skeptical for years, in the last 18 months, as the price of Bitcoin has ramped up and it's reached the mainstream media, Zero Hedge has posted more and more articles about the world of cryptocurrency.

Many of the comments are even coming around to the possibilities of the blockchain, though most are goldbugs and love to say shit like "well crypto ain't gonna be around when the EMPs fly!"

With that in mind, I encourage you to check out these articles published in the last 24 hours:

1: US Launches Quiet Crackdown on Cryptocurrencies [link]

While all eyes were distracted with the Trump-demeaning headlines of the foreign sanctions bill, few spotted the hidden mandate that foreign governments monitor cryptocurrency circulations as a measure to combat "illicit finance trends" in an effort to "combat terrorism."

2: Could Bitcoin Help Venezula As Crisis Deepens? [link]

As oil prices continued their descent and Maduro’s mismanagement of the country’s economy intensified, Venezuelans chose a new way to protect themselves financially..."

3: Is Ethereum About To Unseat Amazon Cloud? [link]

Microsoft, a key partner in the alliance, has released the Confidential Consortium (Coco) Framework, an Ethereum-based protocol that could revolutionize how companies use the Ethereum protocol for business applications...

4: Bitcoin Blows Through $4,000.00 As Asian Demand Soars [link]

While many of the largest cryptocurrencies are fading modestly this morning, Bitcoin is holding on to dramatic agains which saw the largest virtual currency spike to as high as $4190 as Yen, Yuan, and Won trading activity dominated volumes.

The future is bright for the cryptocurrency universe!
