OpenAlias is fully implemented and supported by ADON Coin

in #crypto6 years ago (edited)

OpenAlias is kind of public key aliasing system. It’s a TXT DNS record on a fully qualified domain name. OpenAlias is fully implemented and supported by ADON Coin. Typical aliasing systems are simple key-value stores. A cryptocurrency may, for instance, have an aliasing system that lets you (through the process of mining) declare that the alias Bob is equal to <95-character-string>. This has two major pitfalls for end-users. Firstly, it makes it the responsibility of that cryptocurrency to resolve issues or alias disputes. For instance, if a user loses their private keys and want to continue using that alias, there needs to be a mechanism in place for that, otherwise you end up with dead aliases and users have the hassle of having to update everyone that they have a new alias. The second problem is that it doesn't actually solve anything. Once the first few Bob-derived aliases are taken, users end up resorting to things like Bob1979-awesomesauce324, which means that the end-user still has to have that written down in an address book somewhere. Please refer for complete details.